AirAvant Sleep Apnea therapy | BongoRx
Sleep Apnea therapy, anywhere and anytime
BongoRx is a new alternative treatment designed to treat mild to moderate sleep apnea. The BongoRx are small devices that insert the nose and cause a nasal dilation. They have been attached with a resistance valve at the outer end of the nasal cones and this resistance is what helps to prevent the sleep apnea. It has a valve that allows for easy inhalation but closes slightly on exhalation. They cause an increase in airway pressure very similiar to what a CPAP machine would do. This pressure enables the body to relax and prevent collapse of the airway which is what sleep apnea is.
EPAP stands for expiratory positive airway pressure and the BongoRx is called an EPAP device.
BongoRX is smaller and less intrusive than other forms of sleep apnea treatment.It comes with an optional headgear if required but most users don't need this.
Bongo Rx follows on from the success of provent which is the predecessor of the BongoRX. Provent has been seen as a viable alternative for CPAP treatment for many years
Who is this suitable for?
Any snorer who breathes through their nose will benefit from BongoRx
This is particularly convenient for people who find it difficult to travel with their CPAP machine. They pack up into a small box which can be put in your luggage
People who are not able to tolerate CPAP may be able to use BongoRx. There is no issues with masks and tubes and this can be a big reason why people can't use CPAP.
We always recommend discussing with your physican as BongoRx is an alternative form of treatment
Starter Kit
As this is a new form of treatment it is recommended to purchase the starter kit. This contains small, medium, large and extra large nasal cones. Customers should purchase the Bongo Rx Starter kit initially to determine the correct size, then purchase a repelnishment kit which comes with 4 of the same size. This would also suit a couple who both snore and have different size nostrils as you would both be able to use it.
Replenishment Kits
Once you have used a starter kit you would be able to determine the proper size. The repelnishment kit comes with 4 of each size, hard case, headstrap and Drying Stand
14 Day Money back Guarantee does not apply
As this is an intrusive form of treatment there will be no 14 day money back guarantee on this product.
Customer Review (Australian) who’s been using BongoRX for a year.
“I have been using the Bongo Rx for about a year now and I am so relieved it is finally available directly in Australia. I have moderate apnea and travel quite a bit, I also really didn't like the idea of a machine. First impressions of the Bongo were that it was clearly very well put together and the sizing kit was invaluable as you really do need to play around with it bait, even though I am 187cm I find the best for is the medium.
The fit should be the one that seals inside your nostrils but is not uncomfortable, I initially went with he large as I didn't appreciate this and thought the really tight fit would be an advantage. One of my tips is to have two on the go at the same time that gives you plenty of time to wash and dry the device from the night before. My AHI averages around 1.0 to 2.5 per night now and the difference I feel during the time is absolutely life changing. It's a shame that phrase has become such a cliche because in my case it really is true.
One other tip I have for new users is that your breathing needs to have slowed down enough that you are ready for sleep otherwise the Bongo will feel strange as it really forces your breathing to slow down, I tend to put it in just as I am drifting off If you don't love CPAP, want an option for travel or just want something subtle to use at bedtime this is the best option I have found after years of looking.” – William D - Brisbane
To contact Benchmark Sleep Services about AirAvant Sleep Apnea therapy | BongoRx use Get a quote.
Sleep Apnea therapy, anywhere and anytime
BongoRx is a new alternative treatment designed to treat mild to moderate sleep apnea. The BongoRx are small devices that insert the nose and cause a nasal dilation. They have been attached with a resistance valve at the outer end of the nasal cones and this resistance is what helps to prevent the sleep apnea. It has a valve that allows for easy inhalation but closes slightly on exhalation. They cause an increase in airway pressure very similiar to what a CPAP machine would do. This pressure enables the body to relax and prevent collapse of the airway which is what sleep apnea is.
EPAP stands for expiratory positive airway pressure and the BongoRx is called an EPAP device.
BongoRX is smaller and less intrusive than other forms of sleep apnea treatment.It comes with an optional headgear if required but most users don't need this.
Bongo Rx follows on from the success of provent which is the predecessor of the BongoRX. Provent has been seen as a viable alternative for CPAP treatment for many years
Who is this suitable for?
Any snorer who breathes through their nose will benefit from BongoRx
This is particularly convenient for people who find it difficult to travel with their CPAP machine. They pack up into a small box which can be put in your luggage
People who are not able to tolerate CPAP may be able to use BongoRx. There is no issues with masks and tubes and this can be a big reason why people can't use CPAP.
We always recommend discussing with your physican as BongoRx is an alternative form of treatment
Starter Kit
As this is a new form of treatment it is recommended to purchase the starter kit. This contains small, medium, large and extra large nasal cones. Customers should purchase the Bongo Rx Starter kit initially to determine the correct size, then purchase a repelnishment kit which comes with 4 of the same size. This would also suit a couple who both snore and have different size nostrils as you would both be able to use it.
Replenishment Kits
Once you have used a starter kit you would be able to determine the proper size. The repelnishment kit comes with 4 of each size, hard case, headstrap and Drying Stand
14 Day Money back Guarantee does not apply
As this is an intrusive form of treatment there will be no 14 day money back guarantee on this product.
Customer Review (Australian) who’s been using BongoRX for a year.
“I have been using the Bongo Rx for about a year now and I am so relieved it is finally available directly in Australia. I have moderate apnea and travel quite a bit, I also really didn't like the idea of a machine. First impressions of the Bongo were that it was clearly very well put together and the sizing kit was invaluable as you really do need to play around with it bait, even though I am 187cm I find the best for is the medium.
The fit should be the one that seals inside your nostrils but is not uncomfortable, I initially went with he large as I didn't appreciate this and thought the really tight fit would be an advantage. One of my tips is to have two on the go at the same time that gives you plenty of time to wash and dry the device from the night before. My AHI averages around 1.0 to 2.5 per night now and the difference I feel during the time is absolutely life changing. It's a shame that phrase has become such a cliche because in my case it really is true.
One other tip I have for new users is that your breathing needs to have slowed down enough that you are ready for sleep otherwise the Bongo will feel strange as it really forces your breathing to slow down, I tend to put it in just as I am drifting off If you don't love CPAP, want an option for travel or just want something subtle to use at bedtime this is the best option I have found after years of looking.” – William D - Brisbane
To contact Benchmark Sleep Services about AirAvant Sleep Apnea therapy | BongoRx use Get a quote.
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