Examination Couches, Treatment tables

Verified 15 years

AlevoExamination Couches, Treatment tables

Verified 15 years

Examination Couches, Treatment tables



Mitchell Park, VIC

Alevo designs and manufactures the world’s best treatment tables that elevate the practitioner’s capacity to treat and enhance the patient’s experience. We manufacture and market treatment tables domestically and internationally, and have three well recognised brands – Athlegen, Centurion Tables and ...View more

Alevo designs and manufactures the world’s best treatment tables that elevate the practitioner’s capacity to treat and enhance the patient’s experience. We manufacture and market treatment tables domestically and internationally, and have three well recognised brands – Athlegen, Centurion Tables and Forme Medical.

Promo message Alevo

Forme Medical Pty Ltd (formerly Australian Medical Couches) would like to announce the sale of its entire business to Alevo Pty Ltd, trading as Athlegen, effective from 4 January 2021.

Forme Medical is a well-established and highly regarded treatment table manufacturer that has specialised in the hospital and medical markets. Products include general medical treatment tables, gynaecological tables, dialysis and radiology tables, and hospital beds. In purchasing Forme Medical, Athlegen will soon move all manufacturing into their regional Ballarat premises. Pre-existing overseas manufacturing facilities of Forme Medical have been closed down, and all Forme Medical manufacturing has been brought back to Australia.

The acquisition will help bolster Athlegen’s product range and provide local manufacturing capability for Australia’s growing needs in this area. This will help to create more jobs in Australia and further establish Athlegen as the leading treatment table manufacturer in Australia. Athlegen is in the final stages of building a brand new wholly-owned manufacturing facility in Ballarat.
Forme Medical will be continued as a trading name of Alevo Pty Ltd and a further notice will be issued soon with more details of the new arrangements so customers and suppliers of Forme Medical Pty Ltd and Athlegen are kept informed. The sale of the business has taken place on an amicable basis and all debtors and creditors of Forme Medical Pty Ltd will be settled in a timely manner. Any pre-existing warranty issues will be covered by Athlegen after the sale date.

If further information is required please contact:

Stephen Falkiner (slf@athlegen.com), CEO Alevo Pty Ltd.

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Trade Assurance

Distribution: Australia and New Zealand

Established: 1985

Employees: 6-20

Certifications: ISO9001, TGA, CE

Customers: QLD Health, NSW Health, Specialists clinics


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Trade Assurance

Distribution: Australia and New Zealand

Established: 1985

Employees: 6-20

Certifications: ISO9001, TGA, CE

Customers: QLD Health, NSW Health, Specialists clinics


Trade Assurance

Distribution: Australia and New Zealand

Established: 1985

Employees: 6-20

Certifications: ISO9001, TGA, CE

Customers: QLD Health, NSW Health, Specialists clinics


Contact Alevo