Laboratory & Pathology Feature Articles

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Australian-first map of type 1 diabetes landscape revealed
The Australian-first Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Research Resource Map (the Resource Map), published by JDRF Australia, is a first ever snapshot analysis of the type 1 diabetes clinical ...
Respiratory disease researcher wins award for reducing animal testing
The University of Sydney has recognised a new animal-free method for testing chronic lung disease therapies by conferring its annual Award for the Reduction in the Use of Animals in ...
Cloth masks – dangerous to your health?
The use of cloth masks by healthcare workers may actually put them at increased risk of respiratory illness and viral infections and their global use should be discouraged, according ...
Sufferers wake up to Australia's first Narcolepsy conference
Narcolepsy Australia's Inaugural Patient Conference, to be hosted on the Gold Coast 1-3 May, brings together 180 sufferers from across Australia to hear from internationally renowned ...
$57bn public hospital funding cuts 'must be reversed' in 2015 Budget
With discussion continuing on the more than $57 billion in hospital funding cuts, the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has called on the Commonwealth Government ...
Recommendations important step in watershed year in hepatitis C fight
Recommendations to include three ground-breaking curative antiviral therapies on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) is a watershed moment which, if implemented, will fundamentally ...
Leading medical tech companies collaborate on advancing patient care
Leading companies in the medical technology industry have announced they have formed the Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed), focused on advancing patient care.
New course recognises changing healthcare landscape
As healthcare increasingly depends on the innovative use of modern technologies the University of Sydney has announced a first of its kind master's degree aimed at developing leaders ...
Nation's largest diabetes conversation on the table
Federal Minister for Health Sussan Ley is calling on Australians to have their say as part of the nation's largest conversation about the best ways to prevent, treat and cure diabetes. ...
Australian health centres receive international recognition
Four Australian health centres have been recognised as being among the best in the world for improving patient care through medical research.
$120m grant for medical breakthrough of tomorrow
Minister for Health Sussan Ley has announced $123.5 million in grants to ensure Australia remains at the forefront of medical health and research and a world leader in preventing, ...
Increase in people tested for HIV in Queensland
Initiatives supporting Queensland's HIV strategy goal of increased voluntary testing are seeing real results, according to the organisation.
High-tech gas sensing capsules for better gut health
Researchers have developed high-tech gas sensing capsules that can send data from inside the gut direct to a mobile phone, opening new possibilities for diagnosis, treatment and ...
Overdiagnosis danger: risks and consequences for patients
How much overdetection is acceptable in cancer screening?
Focus on waste 'can deliver' health service efficiency
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has welcomed the Greens' proposal to address waste in the health system.
Stem cell speeds healing of stubborn diabetes wounds: research
A new study published in the latest issue of STEM CELLS Translational Medicine reveals how a particular type of stem cell generated from fat tissue may outperform other types of stem ...
Blue-sky research 'under a cloud'
Who is responsible for the fact that investments in blue-sky, curiosity-driven or exploration research are under threat?
Cancer expert to lead national medical research body
As a researcher working on new treatments for pancreatic cancer and the wife of a cancer survivor, Dr Phoebe Phillips knows better than most the vital importance of medical research. ...
Groundbreaking research, healthcare innovations revealed at WISH
Health leaders from more than 80 countries have gathered in Qatar today to learn about the latest research, ideas and health innovations which have the potential to revolutionise ...
Placenta stem cells 'possible treatment' for heart failure
Stem cells collected from placenta, generally discarded after childbirth, have shown promise as a treatment for heart failure.
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