Orthopaedics & Podiatry Feature Articles

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Indigestion medicines raise hip fracture risk in women
Post-menopausal women are 35% more likely to suffer hip fracture if they take indigestion drugs, known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), a figure which increases to 50% if they are ...
'Cyberknife radiation' can relieve facial nerve pain: study
A technique that delivers highly focused beams of radiation, known as Cyberknife, can relieve the stabbing pain of the facial nerve condition trigeminal neuralgia, indicates a small ...
Enriched skimmed milk may curb frequency of gout flare-ups
A daily dose of skimmed milk, enriched with two components found in dairy products, may help to curb the frequency of painful gout flare-ups, indicates research published online in ...
Rheumatoid arthritis pain treatment ineffective, study shows
Pain management is a high priority for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, but a new study shows that minimal or no benefits with muscle relaxants and neuromodulators are outweighted ...
One-third of Australians lack vitamin D: study
Nearly one third of Australian adults are suffering vitamin D deficiency according to a study involving more than 11,000 adults from around the country.
Two or more prescription meds doubles fall rate at home
Taking two or more prescription drugs at any one time seems to double the unintentional fall rate at home for the young and middle aged, similar to the effect seen in elderly people. ...
Little evidence for wide-spread use of herbal meds for osteoarthritis
There is little conclusive evidence to justify the wide-spread use of herbal medicines to relieve the symptoms of the painful joint condition osteoarthritis, says a comprehensive ...
Surgeons aged between 35 and 50 provide the safest care
Surgeons aged between 35 and 50 years provide the safest care compared with their younger or older colleagues, finds a study published on bmj.com.
Gene therapy helps hemophilia B patients
NIH-funded experimental treatment enhances body's ability to produce key clotting factor.
No benefit for liberal blood transfusion after hip surgery: study
A liberal strategy for providing red blood cell transfusions following hip-fracture surgery to patients at risk for cardiovascular disease neither lowered their post-surgical risk ...
"Mindfulness" exercises help curb stress and fatigue in arthritis
"Mindfulness" exercises, which focus on experiencing the present moment, no matter how difficult, can help curb the stress and fatigue associated with painful rheumatoid joint disease, ...
Affordable treatments for sufferers of autoimmune diseases
From Addison’s disease to Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s disease to Multiple Sclerosis — the list of crippling autoimmune diseases is long and they affect millions of people world-wide. ...
Common bone drug may extend life of replacement joints
People who take bisphosphonates after joint replacement surgery are less likely to need a repeat operation, finds a new study published on bmj.com.
New research reveals how phantom limbs form
New studies on how phantom limbs form show there is no default position that the phantom moves into after it forms.
Are there too many women in medicine?
In the UK, women doctors are set to outnumber their male counterparts by 2017.
New hip implants no better than traditional ones
New hip implants appear to have no advantage over traditional implants, suggests a review of the evidence published on bmj.com.
Study to probe medical treatment levels for dying patients
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) will undertake a study into why futile medical treatment is, at times, provided to dying patients.
Health supplement offers hope for muscular dystrophy treatment
A health supplement used by bodybuilders could be the key to treating a life-threatening muscular dystrophy affecting hundreds of Australian children, new research shows.
New treatment hope for spinal cord injury
Nutrition Australia, Jalna and Accelerate Elite Performance Program will join forces this week to give young Melbourne kids the chance to get active and enjoy healthy foods through ...
How much does trauma cost?
A study that has changed the way specialist trauma hospitals function such as St George, Royal Prince Alfred and the Royal North Shore has won Sydney Nursing School’s Clinical ...
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