ENT & Audiology Feature Articles

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Stop snoring  6/6/2011
Stop snoring
Snoring is a symptom of blockage in the airway at the back of the nose and throat. In serious cases it can significantly increase the risk of heart problems, according to Dr Stuart ...
Know the difference between chesty & dry cough
Experts are calling for Aussies to pay attention to their coughs this winter as new research from Bisolvon shows some people are still not certain about the difference between a ...
Patient reporting helps highlight serious side effects of drugs
New research has shown that patient reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is richer in detail and better at describing the impact on their daily lives than information ...
My pain's not your pain
When a person's been deskbound all day, it's often not until they stop work they realise how sore their lower back is.
Are medical schools failing to teach legal skills?
Most medical students feel they lack the skills and legal knowledge required to challenge poor clinical practice and promote better patient care, reveals research published ahead of ...
One in ten Aussie kids unable to perceive the tastes of food
The prevalence of taste disorders in Australian children could be three times above the level defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a major public health crisis, new ...
Nose stem cells help hearing
Australian scientists have shown for the first time in mice that nasal stem cells injected into the inner ear have the potential to reverse or restore hearing during early onset ...
Sensory team produces balance
The Earthquake machine at Questacon, the National Science and Technology Centre, has been used in groundbreaking research by vision scientists to confirm that instead of working in ...
Indigenous ears 'need help'
The high number of Indigenous children suffering middle ear infections will continue to rise unless urgent action is taken to tackle overcrowding, provide appropriate housing and ...
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