Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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RACGP calls for focus on improving primary healthcare
The absolute first priority for the incoming Government should be to end the extended freeze on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS).
New historic laws to give Victorians a clearer say on end-of-life-care
Victorians have a chance to shape how new historic laws will be implemented to give people greater powers to set directives about their future medical treatment, including end-of-life ...
Telemedicine set to become mainstream
Though it raises a host of questions for regulators, providers, insurers and patients alike - telemedicine is here and it’s set to become mainstream, and fast!
AMA welcomes commitments to invest in mental health
AMA President Dr Michael Gannon has welcomed commitments from both the major parties to invest in frontline mental health services to support suicide prevention programs.
NSW continues to drive innovation in medical research
The NSW Government continues to advance medical research in NSW through investment in the 2016-17 Budget.
Neural tube defects decrease since folic acid added to bread
Mandatory fortification of bread with folic acid (in Australia) and iodine (in Australia and New Zealand) was introduced in 2009 to address two important public health issues.
1 in 200 Australians seek treatment for alcohol and other drugs
About 1 in 200 people in Australia sought treatment for alcohol and other drug use in 2014–15, with just over half of those (54%) reporting more than one drug of concern, according ...
Are Australian health and medical researchers destined to disappear?
During 2015, I'd had personal conversations with Professor Andrew Sinclair, a professor of nutritional science and an award-winning researcher with over 300 publications spanning ...
NSW Budget will deliver $150 million boost for NSW ambulance
The 2016-17 NSW Budget will include a $150 million boost for NSW Ambulance personnel and infrastructure, including the recruitment of more than 100 new paramedics.
'Record high' bulk-billing rates creating a false impression: RACGP
"The devil is in the detail as it's a complex story that cannot be reduced to a convenient sound bite," according to Dr Frank R Jones president of The Royal Australian College of ...
6 Great Apps for Medical Professionals
The mobile age has now officially infiltrated all aspects of our lives. And while the jury is still out on the validity of many medical-related apps, there are some tried and true ...
'Right doctors' still needed for rural and remote Australia: ACRRM
The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) has responded to reports of an oversupply of GPs, saying that despite increasing numbers, a significant maldistribution ...
Demand on NSW emergency department soars in summer months
Demand on NSW hospitals continues to rise significantly, with more emergency department presentations than ever before over the 2016 summer months.
What's The Real Deal: Antidepressants or Placebo?
Ongoing media debate in recent years has brought attention to the over-prescription of antidepressant medications in Australia.
Use of palliative care medicine services increase by 80%
Over the past 5 years, Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) payments for all palliative medicine specialist services increased by almost 80%.
Commonwealth govt winning the fight against tobacco control
The Commonwealth Government has ranked first among Australian governments for making the most progress on combating smoking over the past 12 months.
Labor pledges to lift Medicare patient rebate freeze
AMA President, Professor Brian Owler, said that Labor’s pledge to lift the Medicare patient rebate freeze from 1 January 2017, if elected, would deliver certainty to doctors and ...
NSW smoking rates at all-time low
New NSW Health data shows adult smoking rates have dropped by more than two per cent since 2014.
WA receives research funding to freeze high paralysis toll
Groundbreaking studies to be undertaken through Western Australia's Neurotrauma Research Program (NRP) aim to reduce severe spinal cord damage and subsequent paralysis from traffic ...
How to choose the best air alternating support surface
Dispelling the Myths and Magic in choosing what's best for your patient.
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