Optometry & Ophthalmology Feature Articles

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Primary Health Care Roundtable is seen as a vital opportunity
Royal College of Nursing, Australia (RCNA) attended the Primary Health Care Roundtable discussion at Parliament House recently to give a professional nursing perspective in a long ...
Has the latest budget placed health firmly on the back burner?
Major health reform seems to have been placed on the back burner in considerations of the Federal Budget, according to Tony McBride, Chair of the Australian Health Care Reform Alliance ...
AMA says budget will do nothing to satisfy vital health needs
The AMA says tonight’s budget does nothing to provide Australians with confidence that their health needs will be met in the face of the recession. There is nothing to cushion ...
New partnership and era starts in health and hospital reform
In the 2009-10 Budget, the Rudd Government is delivering a record $64 billion boost to health and hospital funding to drive vital reform in the nation’s health and hospital system.
AMA says importance of health must be reflected in the budget
The AMA has urged government to ensure the importance Australians place on health is reflected in the budget process.
Research to bring brain-saving stroke treatment to rural areas
Minister for Science and Medical Research Jodi McKay will launch an Australian first research trial, which aims to deliver brain-saving stroke treatment to rural communities.
No short term solutions to closing the gap on Indigenous health
The AMA welcomes the commitment the Rudd Government has shown over the past 12 months to closing the Indigenous health gap.
AHHA claims health issues ignored in stimulus package
By ignoring the health sector in the recent stimulus package the Federal Government has missed the opportunity to support one of the most important areas of the Australian economy, ...
Aust technology used to improve health record keeping
CSIRO is helping to address an issue vexing the health system worldwide – the need for quality, accurate information in electronic health records.
Commitment to Northern Territory Aged and Community Care
The Rudd Labor Government is committed to the long-term viability of the Northern Territory’s aged care sector and the protection of the Territory’s frail and elderly.
$100 million facility will supersize nanotechnology research
Senator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, has launched a $100 million collaborative research facility that will provide Australia's researchers with ...
Government's time starts right now for addressing innovation
The health and medical research community welcomed the release of the Review of the National Innovation System green paper recently and called on the Government to act quickly to ...
WEHI scientists receive two of Vic's most respected awards
Professor Peter Colman has won Victoria’s most coveted science award, the Victoria Prize, and Dr Ian Majewski has been awarded a prestigious Victoria Fellowship.
CSIRO ticks  A$20 mln funding for ICT innovation in healthcare
CSIRO has welcomed the launch of the Australian e-Health Research Centre (AEHRC) as a national venture, supported by A$20 million in funding from the Federal and Queensland governments. ...
Govt to improve aged, community care for Indigenous Aussies
The Federal Government is calling for tenders to develop new workforce training resources to help improve home and community care for frail and older indigenous Australians.
University Australia, AAMRI to support medical research funding
On the occasion of the Australian Society of Medical Research (ASMR) Medical Research Week, Universities Australia and the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes ...
AHHA welcomes new primary healthcare strategy
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has welcomed the announcement by Health Minister Nicola Roxon of the development of a new primary healthcare strategy.
WA Health invests in improving outcomes for indigenous people
Developing Statewide screening and chronic disease strategies to improve the health of Aboriginal Western Australians are two of the top priorities for the new Office of Aboriginal ...
NSW passes landmark legislation that aims to protect patients
New South Wales now has the strongest legislation in the country to protect patients against misconduct by doctors, after the Medical Practice Amendment Bill 2008 passed through the ...
$150 mln to cut elective surgery waiting lists by structural reform
The Rudd Government has announced a further $150 million to slash elective surgery waiting lists.
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