Paediatrics & Neonatology Feature Articles

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Fish oil found to help serious pregnancy complications
Taking fish oil during pregnancy could limit the effects of serious complications such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia and miscarriage as well as enhancing foetal growth, ...
Same risk, different label
New research shows the wording of warning labels may lead to different perceptions of risk for the same danger.
Antibiotics may increase eczema risk in children: study
Use of antibiotics in early life may increase the risk of developing eczema by up to 40 per cent, according to a new study involving researchers from The University of Nottingham, ...
Poor sperm count linked to early development
Male babies that do not have good fetal growth or are exposed to their mothers' smoking are more likely to have a lower sperm count as adults, according to a new study by Roger Hart, ...
Mothers and babies wanted for Oxytocin study
Mothers with babies aged between three and six months and 10 and 16 months are being sought for a study exploring factors which may protect women from the experience of post-natal ...
IQ link to baby's weight gain in first month
New research from the University of Adelaide shows that weight gain and increased head size in the first month of a baby's life is linked to a higher IQ at early school age.
Boys 'susceptible' to unhealthy food claims
Children are being tricked into unhealthy food choices by marketers who make misleading nutritional claims and use celebrities to endorse their products, according to research by an ...
Mother’s milk – our first vaccination
A mother’s antibodies passed on to her baby may be the main reason childhood vaccinations have been so successful and why science has battled so long, and with little success, to ...
Measles outbreak linked to discredited anti-vax study
A discredited study linking vaccination with autism has been blamed for contributing to a measles outbreak in Wales affecting more than 600 young people.
Sydney pollutants may drive childhood asthma
The first study of the effects of Sydney’s air pollution on the development of asthma has been carried out at UNSW.
New system for medical internships required
Hospitals have become a battleground where state of origin is the decisive factor in a fight over hospital internships.
Huge hospital burden for intellectually disabled kids
New research from the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research has shown that children with an intellectual disability or autism are up to ten times more likely to be admitted ...
Parents' views critical at the end of a child's life
More emphasis should be given to parents' needs when deciding whether or not to withdraw life support from critically ill children, according to a new book written by a University ...
Educating parents key to preventing emotional disorders: study
In the longest running study of its kind, researchers have evaluated the long-term effects of early intervention on the prevention of internalising disorders in children, such as ...
New e-learning course champions patient safety
A new learning course pioneered by two University of South Australia lecturers is aimed at raising the standard of handover of patient care in hospital and care facilities across ...
Sweet taste comforts babies during injections
Fictional character Mary Poppins may have been correct when she sang “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down” at least when it comes to injections for babies, according to ...
Are plants the next human guinea pigs?
Medical research designed to benefit humans may in the future also be carried out on plants.
Salt a new target for reducing childhood obesity
Salt may be lurking as a silent contributor to the growing childhood obesity epidemic, Deakin University health researchers have found.
Babies get better chance to escape dangerous health cycle
A promising step forward in stopping an intergenerational cycle of birth complications, diabetes and obesity associated with gestational diabetes has been made by researchers at the ...
Study provides new alcohol and pregnancy data
From the findings of the first-ever population-based study of its kind in Australia, a Curtin University researcher has released a report highlighting the impact of maternal alcohol ...
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