Hospital Equipment & Supplies Feature Articles

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NSW gives flu immunity a shot in the arm
NSW Health is encouraged by the large number of health workers and the community who are getting their flu jab early ahead of winter.
Being active decreases likelihood of depression, major study finds
A major international study has found that being active can protect against the emergence of depression.
Effective drug policy means controlled availability
Following discussions this week on the legalisation of cannabis and other Australian drug policies, the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) again calls for evidence-based ...
Increased payments lock in record Commonwealth funding for hospitals
The Australian Government will make an increased payment of $547 million to the states and territories for public hospital activity in 2015-16, following the final reports by ...
Private health fund profits grow while patient value shrinks
AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon, recently warned that changes being pursued by the biggest private health insurers will reduce patient choice of doctor and hospital, and leave policy ...
Commonwealth state funding agreement needed or public hospitals doomed
AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon, said on March 9 that the latest AMA Public Hospital Record Card provides compelling evidence that all Australian governments need to meet in good ...
RACGP calls for national consistency for access to medicinal cannabis
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has called for an end to the highly bureaucratic, time-consuming and expensive process for prescribing medicinal cannabis ...
Time for leadership and real reform in health
‘The cat is out of the bag on what the Commonwealth would like to happen in public hospital funding—more of the same—which, if it comes to pass, is a wasted opportunity’, says ...
Codeine change will help save lives
Following the unanimous advice of the Advisory Committee on Medicines Scheduling in August 2015, an important change that will help save lives came into effect on February 1 for ...
Report shows productivity of Australian GPs
AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon, said on 1 February that the Productivity Commission Report on Government Services 2018 provides further confirmation that general practice is the ...
Victorian medicinal cannabis industry powers ahead
The Andrews Labor Government is expanding Victoria’s medicinal cannabis sector and positioning our state as the leader in exports of medicinal cannabis, while creating jobs and ...
Survey identifies opportunities to improve antibiotics use
More than half (60%) of antibiotics given to patients after surgery to prevent infections are prescribed inappropriately, usually because they are not required at all – a situation ...
More Australians using pharmaceuticals for non-medical purposes
Drug induced deaths more likely to be a result of pharmaceuticals than illegal drugs
Is your workplace tug ready?
Six degrees of separation - the difference between safe and unsafe ramps.
The benefits of using a bin lifter
There will always be waste. A growing population means an increase in rubbish, and more rubbish means an increase in manual waste handling processes, like emptying bins into skips.
Is your workplace tug ready?
Six degrees of separation - the difference between safe and unsafe ramps.
Most emergency department patients continue to be seen on time
Despite rising numbers of presentations to Australian emergency departments, the proportion of people seen 'on time' for their urgency category is relatively stable, with most people ...
Better health care for people with chronic conditions
Up to 65,000 Australians will soon be receiving improved care for their ongoing chronic conditions, with the expansion of the Turnbull Government’s trial of Health Care Homes.
What to consider before buying commercial or medical refrigeration
Whether you are looking for commercial refrigeration or medical refrigeration, here are a few important things to consider before you buy.
NSW patients to get faster access to medicinal cannabis
The NSW Government is intent on getting more patients access to medicinal cannabis products for palliative care, under a $6 million statewide advisory service aimed at supporting ...
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