Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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AMA releases Key Health Issues for the 2016 Federal Election
The AMA recently released Key Health Issues for the 2016 Federal Election - a summary of the major health issues that the AMA considers must be addressed by the major parties during ...
Top 6 Traits Every Health Professional Should Have
As a health professional you’re trying to maximise your value to your patients.
AMA condemns extension of Medicare rebate freeze
The AMA recently condemned the extension of the freeze of the Medicare patient rebate until 2020 – a saving to the Government of almost $1 billion.
AMA calls on govt to abandon cuts to pathology bulk billing incentives
Welcoming the recent release of the Pathology Australia report on the community health benefits, efficiency, and cost effectiveness of Australia's pathology sector, the AMA is again ...
6 Things to Look Out for When Buying Bed Movers
If you’re considering purchasing bed movers for your hospital or medical centre, here are six important benefits to look out for.
Kids with severe epilepsy first to access medicinal cannabis in VIC
Hundreds of kids with severe epilepsy will have access to medicinal cannabis as early as next year, with new fast-tracked funding to support the roll-out of the Victorian Medicinal ...
Vic rolls out hospital ICT to provide better and safer patient care
Victorian patients will receive better and safer care with the roll out of new technology to enable hospital doctors and GPs share critical medical information about their patients’ ...
Things to Consider When Buying Surgical Instruments
They’re the tools of your trade and, by necessity, they represent a substantial percentage of your annual expenditure.
Innovative health program transforming emergency care in WA
A bold and innovative program is transforming emergency care and access to GPs in Western Australia's southern inland, linking in with the State-wide emergency telehealth services ...
AHHA welcomes funding agreement; more support needed for primary care
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has welcomed the funding agreement reached by the states and the Commonwealth at a recent meeting of the Council of Australian ...
Health Care Homes hailed as life-saving for patients: RACGP
The Federal Government's announcement to pilot Health Care Homes in Australia will have life-changing benefits to patients, particularly those with chronic, long-term conditions, ...
Good rural health policy a vote-winner for upcoming election: AMA
The AMA recently launched its Rural Health Issues Survey 2016 to hear first-hand from rural doctors about the issues affecting their practices, communities, and patients, and the ...
5 Tips to Help Your Medical Practice Prepare for an Emergency
As a medical practice you’re dealing with personal crises every day.
Things to Consider When Buying Autoclaves & Sterilisers
Hygiene is a critical aspect of every medical profession.
$25m investment for faster diagnosis of rare cancers and diseases
More Victorians with genetic conditions will receive quicker diagnoses and better care thanks to the Andrews Labor Government's $25 million investment in the state's genomic sequencing ...
Major funding boost for research into antibodies in health and disease
Garvan’s leading research into antibodies in health and disease has been given a shot in the arm, with the announcement that the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) ...
6 Tips for a Smooth Running Medical Practice
With an ever-evolving array of illnesses, injuries and emotional upheaval to deal with on a daily basis, the less administrative headaches you have the better.
Urgent investment into public health needed to prevent deaths: PHAA
By not funding public health prevention and intervention Australians will continue to die from preventable deaths says Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) CEO Michael Moore. ...
Research shows that brown fat may help keep blood sugar in check
Garvan scientists have shown that brown fat – a special type of fat that burns energy to keep us warm – may also help to keep blood sugar steady in adults. Their findings suggest ...
NSW Health investigates CBD Legionnaires' disease
NSW Health and the City of Sydney are investigating after four people infected with Legionnaires’ disease all spent time in Sydney’s CBD.
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