Paediatrics & Neonatology Feature Articles

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Hunt for genes behind brain disorder
A University of Queensland researcher has been awarded an $85,000 grant to identify the genes that underlie rare paediatric brain disorders.
Kidney failure under the microscope
Better targeted treatments for 20 per cent of renal failure patients are on the horizon following a key discovery about the role of white blood cells in kidney inflammation.
Abuse and neglect of disabled children scrutinised
New research by Southern Cross University reveals abuse and neglect against children and young people with disability, and discusses the causes, risks and responses needed to prevent ...
Better blood transfusions for preterm babies
Results of new research from the University of Adelaide are a promising step forward in helping to improve the quality of life-saving blood transfusions for preterm babies, by reducing ...
Child abuse linked to health disorders in later life
Child physical abuse, emotional abuse and neglect is linked to mental health disorders, drug use, suicide attempts, sexually transmitted infections and risky sexual behaviour in ...
Sun, sand, the sea - and a boob job
The combination of sun, sand, the sea and a boob job is proving an irresistible lure to scores of young Australian women travelling to exotic destinations for cosmetic surgery.
Physical activity key to healthy kids
Physical activity rather than food has the biggest impact on children’s weight according to new data from the Lifestyle of our Kids (LOOK) longitudinal study.
Genetics point to serious pregnancy complication
Being able to predict which women are at risk of pre-eclampsia is an important goal in obstetrics.
Teenagers' brains affected by preterm birth
New research at the University of Adelaide has demonstrated that teenagers born prematurely may suffer brain development problems that directly affect their memory and learning ...
Complaints data shortage a problem for health system
A lack of national data on health care complaints is a major obstacle to making improvements to the health care system, a study led by the University of Sydney claims.
Helping children with autism
Research Fellow Dr Giacomo Vivanti and his team of researchers at the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC) at La Trobe University have successfully profiled children with ...
How healthy are our nurses?
There are about 270,000 nurses working in Australia but little is known about their health and wellbeing and how it can impact patient care.
Medical professional drug pilfering is rare but perilous
Medical professional drug pilfering is rare but perilous
Stopping forced removal of babies from intellectually disabled parents
Professor Gwynnyth Llewellyn: "When babies are taken away from their mothers early on and the mother doesn't really understand why, then you have the potential for very distressed ...
Fat chance: the battle of the bulge continues in Australia
Australians are smoking and drinking less but they are still putting on weight, with more than 60 per cent of the population deemed overweight or obese.
Protein regulation linked to intellectual disability
Genetics researchers at the University of Adelaide have solved a 40-year mystery for a family beset by a rare intellectual disability - and they've discovered something new about ...
A new approach to deadly influenza outbreaks in nursing homes
In developed countries people over 65 years old are the most likely to die from an influenza outbreak and people in nursing homes, where the virus is difficult to control, are ...
The battle diggers face after war
For hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Australian troops, withdrawal from Afghanistan will simply bring a new battle - with mental illness.
Depression: experts outline innovative approaches
Depression can be a stubborn problem — at least one in three patients fail to respond to proven therapies — and experts in the field have put their heads together to outline practical ...
Infectious disease risk low priority for Australian travellers
New research led by the University of Sydney's Family Medicine Research Centre reveals many Australians are inadequately protecting against potentially serious infectious diseases ...
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