Disinfection & Sterilisation Feature Articles

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Divine healing: spirituality in nursing and palliative care
Older more experienced nurses working in palliative care are more likely to include spiritual caring in their day-to-day professional activities compared to their younger counterparts ...
Education needed to address concerns about opioid misuse
ABC's Insight on Tuesday night queried the practice and regulation of opioid use in pain management, Australians need pain relief, but is there a line between managed pain and addicts? ...
Neuroscience doctorate to 'Dark Knight' mass murderer
James Eagen Holmes came from a well-tended San Diego enclave of two-storey homes with red-tiled roofs, where neighbours recall him as a clean-cut, studious young man of sparing words. ...
Dentist without drills: plans for drill-free dental care
Fear of the dentist’s drill may be a thing of the past with a ‘no drill clinic’ on track to be opened early next year.
Meditation linked with better health and wellbeing: study
The experience of 'mental silence' is linked with better health outcomes and greater wellbeing according to a University of Sydney study.
Medical myth: the three-second rule when food falls on the floor
As a food microbiologist, I have always been amazed at people's belief in the three- or five-second rule.
Bacteria converts wastewater drugs into toxic form
While traces of pharmaceutical compounds are commonly present in wastewater, interactions with bacteria during the treatment process could transform them from non-toxic to toxic ...
'Silver bullets' to disinfect implants and medical devices
Infections are winning the health war in Australian hospitals, but researchers may have found a "silver bullet’’ in the shape of specially designed protective surfaces for implants ...
Researchers closer to solving staphylococcus puzzle
Infectious diseases specialists from Austin Health are working closely with Microbiologists from the University of Melbourne to understand how Staph is becoming resistant to all ...
Drug targets revealed from giant parasitic worm genome
Scientists have identified the genetic blueprint of the giant intestinal roundworm, Ascaris suum, revealing potential targets to control the devastating parasitic disease, ascariasis. ...
Hospital superbug debugged
An international team of scientists led by Monash University researchers has uncovered how a common hospital bacterium becomes a deadly superbug that kills increasing numbers of ...
Link between arsenic in drinking water & heart disease
Arsenic is a natural element of the Earth’s crust and high concentrations in groundwater pose a public health threat to millions of people worldwide.
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
Blocking the malaria 'burglar'
Development of an effective vaccine for malaria is a step closer following identification of a key pathway used by the malaria parasite to infect human cells.
Solving the HIV puzzle
Melbourne researchers have made a major discovery in the fight against HIV leading to the possibility of an eventual cure.
Vaccine tries to defeat dengue
Perth researchers are about to trial a new vaccine that aims to protect against all four strains of the potentially devastating Dengue Fever.
Amphetamine ices our brains
New WA research has revealed that one in five young people seeking emergency medical attention related to amphetamine drug use in a recent study had abnormalities on brain scans.
Baby steps to new blood tests
The new test could soon lead to cheaper pharmaceutical drugs and make blood collection less stressful for humans and animals.
Nanopatch replaces needles
UQ research has found the Nanopatch – a needle-free, pain-free method of vaccine delivery – is now dissolvable, eliminating the possibility of needle-stick injury.
Trials start for rotavirus vaccine
Australian researchers have begun clinical trials of a new vaccine to protect newborn infants against rotavirus, a life-threatening diarrhoeal disease that kills half a million ...
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