Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Feature Articles

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Allergy response can be controlled by the mind: research
You – or more accurately, your brain – has control over how allergic your skin is, suggests new research.
Two or more prescription meds doubles fall rate at home
Taking two or more prescription drugs at any one time seems to double the unintentional fall rate at home for the young and middle aged, similar to the effect seen in elderly people. ...
Lumosity brain training improves attention in older adults
Lumosity, the leading online brain exercise program, has been shown to improve cognitive performance in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Little evidence for wide-spread use of herbal meds for osteoarthritis
There is little conclusive evidence to justify the wide-spread use of herbal medicines to relieve the symptoms of the painful joint condition osteoarthritis, says a comprehensive ...
"Mindfulness" exercises help curb stress and fatigue in arthritis
"Mindfulness" exercises, which focus on experiencing the present moment, no matter how difficult, can help curb the stress and fatigue associated with painful rheumatoid joint disease, ...
Men turn to alternative treatments for cancer cure
More than 50% of men diagnosed with cancer in Australia are turning to complementary and alternative medicine to help find a cure, or to improve their health, according to new research ...
Research identifies key autism intervention window
The behaviour of pre-school children with autism improves the most in the first six months of early intervention, research at RMIT University has shown.
New research reveals how phantom limbs form
New studies on how phantom limbs form show there is no default position that the phantom moves into after it forms.
Elderly must embrace technology, says award-winning researcher
Falls expert Dr Kim Delbaere says the key to preventing falls in the elderly is to encourage grandma and grandpa to embrace the latest technology and video games.
Acupuncture may ease nerve pain associated with cancer treatment
Acupuncture may help ease the severe nerve pain associated with certain cancer drugs, suggests a small preliminary study published in Acupuncture in Medicine.
Are there too many women in medicine?
In the UK, women doctors are set to outnumber their male counterparts by 2017.
New hip implants no better than traditional ones
New hip implants appear to have no advantage over traditional implants, suggests a review of the evidence published on
Health supplement offers hope for muscular dystrophy treatment
A health supplement used by bodybuilders could be the key to treating a life-threatening muscular dystrophy affecting hundreds of Australian children, new research shows.
Acupuncture can prevent radiation-induced chronic dry mouth
When given alongside radiation therapy for head and neck cancer, acupuncture has shown for the first time to reduce the debilitating side effect of xerostomia, according to new ...
New treatment hope for spinal cord injury
Nutrition Australia, Jalna and Accelerate Elite Performance Program will join forces this week to give young Melbourne kids the chance to get active and enjoy healthy foods through ...
People with autism "fall between the cracks"
Australia’s largest not for profit autism service provider announces a pioneering study to explore the support needs of people aged 18 and over with a diagnosis of Asperger's disorder ...
Researchers search for cause of restless legs syndrome
Researchers have found that people with restless legs syndrome – a disorder that causes a powerful urge to move the legs, particularly at night – have reduced function in an area of ...
Magnetic treatment helps improve stroke patients' speech
Magnetic stimulation of the brain could help improve language skills of stroke survivors with aphasia, according to research by The University of Queensland.
Dancing to prevent elderly falls
Foxtrot, salsa, rumba! Twice weekly ballroom dancing classes for senior citizens could bring back the balance and strength needed to prevent falls in elderly Australians, according ...
Golden opportunity for muscle disorders
Finding treatments or even a cure for lifelong, unrelenting muscle disorders such as muscular dystrophy and motor neuron disease will be the focus of a new national research centre. ...
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