Accident & Emergency Care Feature Articles

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How to reduce the burden of high ER admission rates
Emergency room (ER) crowding is a worldwide phenomenon. However, while there are many reports describing the negative outcomes of overloaded ERs, fewer are available that discuss ...
$100m to protect against national emergencies
The Abbott Government's 2015/16 Budget will invest $100 million to improve Australia's ability to quickly and effectively respond to a health crisis caused by a natural disaster or ...
Paramedic students' debrief sessions provide 'excellent insight'
Lecturers at Charles Sturt University (CSU) have welcomed their paramedic students' suggestions to improve 'debriefing' following simulation exercises.
$57bn public hospital funding cuts 'must be reversed' in 2015 Budget
With discussion continuing on the more than $57 billion in hospital funding cuts, the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has called on the Commonwealth Government ...
PHAA welcomes announcement of Primary Health Networks
The CEO of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) Michael Moore, has welcomed the much awaited announcement by Health Minister Sussan Ley of the successful tender applicants ...
New workshop highlights rural, remote health opportunities
A partnership between the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) and the National Health Performance Authority (NHPA) will help equip rural and remote health service ...
Budget cuts to Health Flexible Funds threaten vital services
A coalition of eleven peak organisations from the health and community sectors is calling on the Australian Government to scrap plans to cut nearly $200 million in funding to key ...
Australian health centres receive international recognition
Four Australian health centres have been recognised as being among the best in the world for improving patient care through medical research.
'Too many' Australians unaware of high blood pressure health risks
A new survey* reveals many Australians are unaware of the serious health risks associated with high blood pressure and often find it difficult to make the recommended lifestyle ...
Misuse of alcohol - a major disruption to the emergency department
The ability of the emergency department (ED) to help people in need of urgent medical management is being severely disrupted by our nation's misuse of alcohol.
5 Aged Care Trends to Watch Out for in 2015
Australia's ageing population is causing big waves of effect for our country's healthcare system, particularly when it comes to care of the elderly.
5 Simple Ways to Make Your Venue Disability-Accessible
With almost one in ten of the world's population living with a disability, it has become close to essential to make your venue accessible for people with disabilities.
Scarcity in access to bariatric care services: report
While bariatric surgery, a procedure to treat obesity, is becoming increasingly common in Australia, access to public-funded services is limited, new research has shown.
Consult across the sector on Medicare, health minister urged
The federal government is not learning from mistakes of the past with its continued "narrow consultation" on Medicare reforms, health lobby groups have said.
Man accused of stabbing doctor 'victim of conspiracy'
A man accused of the attempted murder of a Victorian neurosurgeon has told a court he was the victim of a conspiracy by a network of doctors.
Reducing hospital waiting times with Lean Management
Waiting times in hospital emergency departments could be significantly cut with the introduction of Lean Management and Six Sigma techniques, according to new research.
3 Medical Research Projects That Need More Funding
Innovations in medical research are vital for improvements in the clinical treatment of disease. But that is just the beginning; research projects require funding to reach patients ...
Hospital CEO challenges and targets
Working as a Hospital CEO can be stressful and demanding. CEOs provide cultural leadership, maintain high standards in hospital operations and ensure a high quality of patient care. ...
'Annual fee' model an answer to govt's Medicare woes
The government is struggling to sell its Medicare co-payment reform because its sole emphasis is on cost control, when it should also be about supporting quality and equity, according ...
Autopsy of a dead policy: what now for Medicare?
The government has backed down from its plan to cut Medicare rebates to doctors – which was to start on January 19 – after several days of public pressure.
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