Dental Care & Oral Surgery Feature Articles

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Oral cancer - know the risks, know the signs
It's one of Australia's least understood diseases.
Patient reporting helps highlight serious side effects of drugs
New research has shown that patient reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is richer in detail and better at describing the impact on their daily lives than information ...
My pain's not your pain
When a person's been deskbound all day, it's often not until they stop work they realise how sore their lower back is.
Are medical schools failing to teach legal skills?
Most medical students feel they lack the skills and legal knowledge required to challenge poor clinical practice and promote better patient care, reveals research published ahead of ...
Australian women: Health, beauty & ageing
Today's Australian woman is health conscious, well-informed and doesn't buy into the pressure put on her in the never-ending quest for an unachievable image...or does she?
An unhealthy mouth can lead to heart disease
You’re probably aware that smoking, being overweight and having high cholesterol or high blood pressure can increase your risk of developing heart disease, but what you may not know ...
Protecting the mouth from dental trauma
Don't hit the field without a mouthguard this footy season, advises Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV). Every year, players are treated for dental trauma that could have been ...
Managing pain when you take other medicines
NPS MedicineWise is encouraging people with chronic conditions to speak with their doctor, pharmacist or health professional before taking over-the-counter medicines as part of a ...
Estrogen may help precancerous cells spread in oral cavity
Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common type of cancer and is on the rise in some demographic groups, including young women without any known risk factors.
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
Workplaces still lack women
Only 38 per cent of Generation X, tertiary qualified women participating in a long-running University of Melbourne study or work full-time, compared to 90 per cent of Generation X, ...
Model reveals tooth stress
PhD graduate and innovator Dr Rudi van Staden applied engineering technology in dentistry to reduce the risk of damage to the jawbone or nerves when attaching imitation teeth.
Emotional intelligence: Enhancing success in the workplace
Where there is emotional intelligence in the workplace, there are likely to be happy, and productive employees who work as a team.
Understanding business etiquette in international trade
With significant geographic, language and cultural barriers, nations that are typically considered "Western," (Western Europe and its former empire), are divided from cultures that ...
Managers report feeling isolated
As the economy recovers with its corresponding effect on workloads, a Deakin University academic has urged companies to make sure their middle managers have time for their friends.
How to manage older workers
Almost all organisations have a group of older workers who are moving towards retirement.
Techniques to help you meet deadlines at work
Meeting deadlines is an important attribute in an employee. If you have difficulty managing your workload, it would be good to employ some techniques to help you meet deadlines at ...
High earners less generous
Australians like to pride themselves on giving money to those in need, but what motivates us to part with our hard-earned to help others?
Email invasion causes stress
The much-touted "work/life balance" has been found to be riddled with paradox with new research showing work-related email invading workers' homes and leisure spaces, causing stress, ...
CEOs step up to take direct action on women in top jobs
Members of the Business Council of Australia will be at the forefront of boosting the numbers of female CEOs and CFOs in the ASX top 200 under an initiative launched at the BCA’s ...
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