Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Feature Articles

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Vitamin D doses and Multiple Sclerosis treatment
An article published in the journal Neurology today suggests there is little difference between high dose and low dose Vitamin D supplementation for people living with multiple ...
Getting down to the bare bones of vitamin D
New research from the University of South Australia to discover how and why bone cells produce their own vitamin D may hold vital significance in preventing or redressing osteoporosis. ...
Fitness not fatness should be the mantra
The current focus on overweight and obesity by government and health professionals is misguided, a keynote speaker said at Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport.
Love your bones to beat osteoporosis
Across Australia more than 1.2 million people, mostly women, are affected by osteoporosis.
Association between CCSVI and multiple sclerosis
Combined analysis of CCSVI studies finds a positive association with MS Canadian researchers Dr Laupacis and colleagues have conducted a meta-analysis in which the data from eight ...
Finding relief for low back pain
Most adults with low back pain can be effectively managed with simple treatments delivered well.
Changes to sexuality, body image: women's concerns after breast cancer
Leading women's health researchers from the University of Western Sydney have completed a study of the changes to sexual wellbeing and quality of life that women experience following ...
Swimming program helps dementia patients reignite memories
A University of Queensland project team has created a specialised swim club to help people living with dementia rekindle the positive memories of swimming.
Problem-solving therapy may reduce attempted suicides
Problem-solving therapy may help people who attempt suicide or self-harm according to a study by University of Auckland researchers published in the British Journal of Psychiatry ...
Hip replacements among most successful operations: surgeons
The Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA), the peak professional body for orthopaedic surgeons, released figures showing hip replacement operations are among the most successful ...
Breathe easy as you age
Nearly one in five older adults has been diagnosed with asthma at sometime in their life, according to results from a recent survey conducted by the University of Wollongong’s Centre ...
Comparing weight loss programs: results are in
An international study of overweight and obese adults comparing commercial weight loss programs with weight loss plans managed by local doctors or nurses found both groups lost ...
Exercise the body, build the brain
Researchers have, for the first time, isolated exercise as the key factor in triggering the production of functional new cells in the learning and memory centre of the brain.
Biological agents in arthritis treatment linked to skin cancer risk
Biological agents used to treat rheumatoid arthritis seem to be associated with an increased risk of skin cancer, indicates a systematic review of published research in the Annals ...
New exercise guidelines for asthma patients
Asthmatics will be better informed of safe and effective exercise with a new position statement released to coincide with National Asthma Week (September 1-7).
Obesity a brain condition, not just lifestyle disorder
New Australian research has confirmed that obese individuals often perform poorly in reasoning and planning tasks and, likewise, those with poor cognitive function are more vulnerable ...
15 minutes of moderate daily exercise lengthens life
Taiwanese who exercise for 15 minutes a day, or 92 minutes per week, extended their expected lifespan by three years compared to people who are inactive, according to a study published ...
Seeing eye to eye is key to copying, say scientists
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery but how do our brains decide when and who we should copy?
'Risk score' spots patients at high risk of serious blood clots
A new risk prediction tool can identify patients at high risk of serious blood clots (known as venous thromboembolism) who might need preventative treatment, says a study published ...
Positive growth prospects for Omega-3 products
Awareness of omega-3 fatty acids as among the most important nutrients for physical and mental health has reached critical mass, according to a new Packaged Facts report on "Omega-3: ...
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