Gynaecology & Obstetrics Feature Articles

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Testosterone levels in the womb linked to language problems
New research from Perth’s Telethon Institute for Child Health Research has found that boys who are exposed to high levels of testosterone before birth are twice as likely to experience ...
Enriched skimmed milk may curb frequency of gout flare-ups
A daily dose of skimmed milk, enriched with two components found in dairy products, may help to curb the frequency of painful gout flare-ups, indicates research published online in ...
Hip size may be the key to link between obesity and premature death
A research team led by Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute has for the first time demonstrated that the effect of obesity on the risk of premature death is seriously underestimated ...
Genetic code cracked for HIV blood parasite
Scientists have cracked the genetic code and predicted some high priority drug targets for the blood parasite Schistosoma haematobium, which is linked to bladder cancer and HIV/ AIDS ...
Rheumatoid arthritis pain treatment ineffective, study shows
Pain management is a high priority for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, but a new study shows that minimal or no benefits with muscle relaxants and neuromodulators are outweighted ...
One-third of Australians lack vitamin D: study
Nearly one third of Australian adults are suffering vitamin D deficiency according to a study involving more than 11,000 adults from around the country.
Expectant mothers on antidepressants risk newborns
Mothers who take anti-depressants during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to children with persistent pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs) finds a study ...
Little evidence for wide-spread use of herbal meds for osteoarthritis
There is little conclusive evidence to justify the wide-spread use of herbal medicines to relieve the symptoms of the painful joint condition osteoarthritis, says a comprehensive ...
Sunnier climes linked to lower rates of inflammatory bowel disease
Living in sunnier climates may curb the likelihood of developing inflammatory bowel disease, particularly after the age of 30, suggests a large, long term US study, published online ...
Surgeons aged between 35 and 50 provide the safest care
Surgeons aged between 35 and 50 years provide the safest care compared with their younger or older colleagues, finds a study published on
Simple online tool to aid GPs in early ovarian cancer diagnosis
The lives of hundreds of women could be saved every year, thanks to a simple online calculator that could help GPs identify women most at risk of having ovarian cancer at a much ...
New approach to diagnosing anorexia nervosa
A new approach for diagnosing patients with anorexia nervosa has been developed at the University of Sydney.
Anti estrogen therapy may decrease melanoma risk
Women with breast cancer who take antiestrogen supplements may be decreasing their risk for melanoma, according to a study published in Cancer Prevention Research, a journal of the ...
Ten gynaecological cancer symptoms women shouldn’t ignore
Pelvic pain and abnormal bleeding aren’t the only signs of gynaecological cancer.
Mother's talk helps children see other viewpoints
Young children whose mothers talk with them more frequently and in more detail about people's thoughts and feelings tend to be better at taking another person's perspective than ...
Gene therapy helps hemophilia B patients
NIH-funded experimental treatment enhances body's ability to produce key clotting factor.
6 New Year's resolutions that could save your life
Cancer Council Victoria is encouraging all Victorians to think long-term in making their New Years resolutions for 2012.
Pregnant women must stay cool for baby’s sake
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) world-first research has found a link between increases in temperature and the incidence of stillbirth and shorter pregnancies.
Endometriosis in women linked to inflammatory bowel disease risk
Women with endometriosis are up to twice as likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease as those without this reproductive disorder, suggests a large study published online in Gut. ...
"Mindfulness" exercises help curb stress and fatigue in arthritis
"Mindfulness" exercises, which focus on experiencing the present moment, no matter how difficult, can help curb the stress and fatigue associated with painful rheumatoid joint disease, ...
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