Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Parliament talks to focus on Indigenous mental health
Reducing mental illness among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will be the focus of high level talks between government, mental health experts and Indigenous leaders at ...
10 Medical Research Breakthroughs You May Not Have Heard Of
Thanks to advances in medicine, people are living increasingly longer and healthier lives.
How to find a job in healthcare
Finding a job in the healthcare sector could be the first step to a long and rewarding career.
$2.5 million to keep RFDS flying high in WA
Western Australians will have greater access to medical services wherever they live or travel in the state, with the Abbott Government to support the purchase of a new aeroplane for ...
10 great podcasts for medical professionals
Podcasts are a brilliant way for busy medical professionals to stay up-to-date with news in health and any emerging research that could affect the decisions made in practice.
Interviewing to Find the Right Nurse for Your Practice
Your staff are at the very core of your medical practice and finding the right nurses to give the best patient care is essential. Given that you usually only have a resume and an ...
Landmark study highlights value of medication reviews
A study on the impact of medication reviews in Australia has highlighted the benefits of such services and found they are valuable in identifying medication-related problems, improving ...
Three out of four Australians underestimate the diabetes epidemic
New research* released by Diabetes Australia shows that three out of four people substantially underestimate the prevalence of diabetes and over 60 per cent of people don't link ...
Calls for new anaesthesia guidelines: stop 'starving' patients
A meeting of anaesthetists in Tasmania has heard that "starving" patients before anaesthesia can be hazardous and do more harm than good to their recovery.
New data linking alcohol and cancer prompts education campaign
New data released by the Cancer Council Victoria confirms that long-term consumption of four or more 'standard' alcoholic drinks per day doubles the risk of mouth and throat cancer. ...
$6.4m funding boost to deliver health in areas of greatest need
A $6.4 million Abbott Government commitment to a nursing in primary health care program will aim to improve access to health care for rural and remote communities, older Australians ...
6 Things to Look Out for When Buying Examination Tables
The examination tables in your medical practice are at the centre of the health care services you offer to your patients, and when looking to purchase one, it’s important to consider ...
How to buy the right wheelchairs for your aged care patients
It is essential that your aged care facility is equipped with the optimal equipment to allow your patients to have the best experience.
Minimum wages to be increased by 2.5% on 1 July 2015
The Fair Work Ombudsman has reminded employers about an increase in the minimum wage from the 1st of July.
Report reveals drug companies 'behind medicine approval delays'
Australian patients are being forced to wait up to 15 months longer to access the latest breakthrough medicines than in the US or Europe because drug companies are delaying bringing ...
Senate supports cheaper medicines for Australians
Consumers are the big winners from the Senate passing the Abbott Government's Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) reform package today, which will deliver cheaper medicines into ...
How to change and dress dependent clients with care, understanding
Dependent clients often require assistance with dressing, undressing or changing. While client-centred care is fundamental, dressing clients can place physical demands on carers, ...
Abbott Govt 'working with mental health sector' to action reform
The Abbott Government says it is working hand-in-hand with the mental health sector to take the National Mental Health Commission's landmark review from paper to policy, with the ...
Organisations unite to fight Budget cuts to vital health services
A coalition of 17 peak and non-government organisations from the health and community sectors is calling on the Australian Government to scrap plans to cut nearly $800 million in ...
Study lists top 10 causes of ill health in Australia
Lower back pain is the leading cause of ill health in Australians according to an international study, supported by UNSW's National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.
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