Laboratory & Pathology Feature Articles

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Body's 'safety procedure' could explain autoimmune disease
Monash University researchers have found an important safety mechanism in the immune system that may malfunction in people with autoimmune diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis, ...
'Crucial way' found for defending gut against infections
An international team of researchers, led by the University of Melbourne, has found a crucial pathway for defending the human gut against infection.
Health improves colorectal cancer survival rate
Women diagnosed with colorectal cancer who are physically active, don't smoke and aren't overweight or obese have dramatically improved survival rates, according to a new study by ...
'Dark-horse' molecule a potential new anti-cancer target
Melbourne researchers have identified a molecule called interleukin-11 as a potential new target for anti-cancer therapies.
35,000 lives saved through coalition's commitment: CCA
The coalition's recent commitment to complete the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program by 2020 would save 35,000 lives over the next 40 years*, according to Cancer Council Australia. ...
Microscopic biochemical 'braille' concept gains worldwide attention
Faculty of Pharmacy researcher at the University of Sydney, Dr Wojciech Chrzanowski, has gained international attention for his groundbreaking work on biomaterial technologies, an ...
Nominations open for Victoria's Health Promotion Heroes of 2013
Victorians are being invited to nominate health promotion champions for the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation Awards 2013, to be announced at a ceremony in Melbourne in December. ...
Get your facts straight: ABC website to investigate contentious claims
Australia is about to get its facts straight – that's the message from the team behind the ABC's newly launched Fact Check website and accompanying platforms including television, ...
3D printing technology used to 'grow' cartilage
A partnership between scientists at the University of Wollongong and St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne has led to a breakthrough in growing cartilage from stem cells to treat conditions ...
Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: is the association as causal as we think?
Unlike Koch's Postulates, which provided simple answers for the causes of acute disease, the causality of chronic diseases can be difficult to determine.
Colon cancer discovery could take treatment up a notch
Scientists at the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR) have made an exciting discovery which may lead to more effective chemotherapy treatments of colorectal ...
Targeted therapy for protein that protects, nourishes cancer
Scientists at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center who identified a protein's dual role in cancer promotion have discovered a way to shut it down, opening a potential ...
Testosterone directed to liver likely prevents muscle wasting
New Australian research suggests that a small dose of testosterone directed solely to the liver stimulates protein synthesis, likely preventing muscle loss and wasting, and potentially ...
Growing uncertainty about breast cancer screening: Part 1
When they were introduced over 20 years ago, national breast screening programs were a milestone in public health.
What is inflammatory bowel disease?
Inflammatory bowel disease is a group of inflammatory conditions of the colon and small intestine that can cause life-threatening complications and may require surgery.
Diabetics at risk of disability
Older adults with diabetes are at least 50 per cent more likely to have a physical disability than those without diabetes, according to the results of a new systematic review and ...
Converting seizures into sound
A simple method of converting the brain wave signals of people living with epilepsy into sound has been developed by a team of researchers at the University of Sydney.
Finding cancer's 'Achilles heel' may save lives
Research on mice has identified new treatment options for one of the most common cancers.
Do salamander cells hold the solution to limb regeneration?
Salamanders’ immune systems are key to their remarkable ability to regrow limbs, and could also underpin their ability to regenerate spinal cords, brain tissue and even parts of ...
New discovery in fight against meningococcal
Griffith University researchers have helped identify an important breakthrough in understanding the deadly meningococcal disease.
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