Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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Guidance system could improve minimally invasive surgery
Johns Hopkins researchers have devised a computerised process that could make minimally invasive surgery more accurate and streamlined using equipment already common in the operating ...
No "compelling reason" to own Medibank Private: govt
Following careful consideration of the scoping study commenced in November 2013, the federal government has decided to put Medibank Private up for sale through an initial public ...
New tools hold promise for 'tomorrow's digital hospital'
Robots on hospital wards, smart apps on mobile devices and home-monitoring systems will transform our health system, a report released by CSIRO has revealed.
Mammogram study questioning mortality benefit 'not relevant to Aust'
The weight of scientific evidence shows mammographic screening for breast cancer is a lifesaving public health intervention irrespective of a new Canadian study that questions ...
Not paying tax a dangerous game for small businesses
The recent report that the ATO is chasing a back-log of $18 billion in debt, with small business tax payers accounting for more than 60 per cent of outstanding debt, should ring ...
Tax tips for Australian businesses
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a new campaign to help Australian businesses meet their tax obligations.
Improving health and budget 'not necessarily mutually exclusive'
The long term sustainability of Australia's Medicare system is a pressing problem, but health minister Peter Dutton is right to avoid making any hasty decisions about reforming it, ...
Biomechanics make for safer brain surgery
Patients undergoing brain surgery are likely to benefit from a new technique that can help neurosurgeons predict how the brain will move during operations.
Multiple sclerosis severity determined by simple eye test
As you step outdoors into the bright sunshine, your pupils automatically contract.
New medical imaging technology aids oncologists: research
Images of cancer cells buried deep in lung tissue have been used by biomedical engineers at the University of Sydney to help develop new technologies that will assist oncologists ...
World first trial strives to improve prostate cancer care
Researchers and clinicians from the University of Sydney and the Northern Sydney Cancer Centre are leading a world first clinical trial using a tracking system to improve prostate ...
More cases of prostate cancer, but survival rates 'improving'
While more men are being diagnosed with prostate cancer, survival rates are high and are improving, according to a report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ...
Health workforce shortage to reach 12.9m 'within decades'
The world will be short of 12.9 million healthcare workers by 2035, with a figure already standing at 7.2 million, according to a recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report.
Major research project to evaluate 'overdiagnosis'
An investigative study into the evaluation of disease and cost burdens of "overdiagnosis" has been announced as one of several new research projects within Macquarie University to ...
Reports highlight the need for coordinated health services
Reports released by the Council of Australian Government Reform Council (COAG) and the National Health Performance Authority (NHPA) have highlighted the importance of health services ...
7 types of identified breast cancer 'may' give more accurate prognosis
A study by researchers at the University of Nottingham has identified seven distinct types of breast cancer, a discovery which could lead to new and improved prognostic tests for ...
Abbott announces $559.1m for health, medical research
Prime Minister Tony Abbott recently announced $559.1 million for Australian health and medical researchers to generate new health discoveries across Australia.
Historic nursing partnership to shape future of primary health care
The Australian Medicare Local Alliance (AML Alliance) and the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) have created a new partnership to enhance the role of the ...
ALP keeps experience in shadow health portfolio: AMA
Catherine King was congratulated by the Australian Medical Association (AMA) on her recent appointment to the position of Shadow Minister for Health.
Calls to phase out mercury measuring devices by 2020
The World Health Organisation (WHO) and non-governmental organisation Health Care without Harm have joined forces to launch a new initiative to get mercury removed from all medical ...
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