Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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Pharmacists' important role in advising on complementary medicine use
The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has issued a position statement recognising that complementary medicines may have a role in the management or treatment of some conditions ...
Cancer patient receives 3D printed ribs in world first surgery
Australian Minister for Industry and Science Ian Macfarlane today congratulated CSIRO on its role in an international collaboration that has led to a world-first in surgery, using ...
Harassment report a catalyst for action across medical profession
The AMA welcomes the release today of the draft report of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) Expert Advisory Group (EAG) on discrimination, bullying, and sexual ...
Australian-first national approach to Indigenous cancer care
An Australian-first national approach to addressing the Indigenous cancer gap establishes seven new national priorities to reduce the increasing cancer mortality rates in the Aboriginal ...
Things to Consider When Buying Vaccine & Medicine Fridges
A refrigerator to store vaccine and medicines at the optimal temperature is essential to ensure the stability of the products. There are several different models available and not ...
AMA: hospitals must be properly resourced to cope with 'ice patients'
The Australian Medical Association has released its Position Statement on Methamphetamine (2015), which was first drafted in 2008. The statement acknowledged the increased use of ...
How apps for mobile-ready house call services are changing medicine
Across the US, a slew of start-ups are working to revolutionise the way that medical treatment is delivered.
10 Great Medical Apps to Help Get the Job Done Right
We're all after convenience and functionality, and as we become increasingly reliant on technology, the burgeoning world of smartphone apps ensures an app is developed for nearly ...
Adelaide conference raises importance of glucose control in hospitals
At the ADS/ADEA Annual Scientific Meeting, the Australian Diabetes Society (ADS) unveiled a suite of resources to ensure the importance of glucose control in hospitals is front and ...
3D avatar revolutionises skin cancer diagnosis
University of Queensland researchers now have access to technology that is set to be a game changer in the fight against skin cancer.
Patients shouldn't be 'held ransom' in private health: Minister Ley
Patient safety and welfare should be the priority in any negotiations between private hospitals and health insurers, not used as ransom in a cynical "Game of Thrones", Federal Minister ...
Data highlights need for greater investment in general practice
AMA President, Professor Brian Owler, has pointed to data released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), stating it sends a strong message to Government, highlighting ...
Regulation at work protecting patients: 'dodgy dentist' convicted
A man who pretended to be a dentist in Victoria today pleaded guilty to the 17 charges filed against him by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Pharmaceutical industry calls for more research into medical cannabis
The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) released a position statement on the investigation of the potential therapeutic value of and therefore possible medicinal uses for ...
3D printed pills could make personalised medicine a reality
Human beings aren't one-size-fits all, so why are the pills in a prescription bottle identical from patient to patient? What if technology could tweak the formulations of pharmaceutical ...
Australia's first 3D printed spine implant
RMIT has worked with a medical device company and a neurosurgeon to successfully create a 3D printed vertebral cage for a patient with severe back pain.
Nurse & midwife registration numbers up, but more seeking work
The total number of all nurses and midwives registered in Australia rose by almost seven per cent between 2011 and 2014, but not all are finding work in their field, according to ...
New stats reveal 50 per cent of Australians battling chronic disease
The need for Primary Health Care reform has been highlighted with the release of new statistics showing half of all Australians have at least one chronic disease.
Patient consent in spotlight as pharmacists take on more diverse roles
With pharmacists' roles expanding into more diverse areas of patient care, the issue of patient consent is coming to the fore.
Organs-on-Chips: invention of micro-device that mimics organ function
For decades, animal testing has been the logical next step for any medical development on its way from the clinic to the lab. But a new development from a Harvard lab could change ...
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