Anaesthesia & Respiratory Care Feature Articles

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A new approach to lung cancer treatment
Scientists have discovered a mechanism that causes an aggressive type of lung cancer to re-grow following chemotherapy, offering hope for new therapies.
Review of stroke treatment could save lives
Doctors are underutilising crucial medication to prevent deadly strokes in those with a common type of heart condition, new research says, leading to fresh calls for a review of ...
Antibiotic dosage research to help save more lives in ICUs
New University of Queensland (UQ) research on optimising antibiotic dosages for intensive care patients aims to address the current 50 percent death rate associated with common ...
Breathe easy as you age
Nearly one in five older adults has been diagnosed with asthma at sometime in their life, according to results from a recent survey conducted by the University of Wollongong’s Centre ...
New discoveries in the genetics of lung health
Scientists at The University of Nottingham have been involved in the discovery of 16 new sections of the genetic code that relate to lung health — opening up the possibility for ...
Cardiovascular effects of exposure to air pollution
High levels of pollution could increase the risk of having a heart attack for up to six hours after exposure, finds research published on
Adenoidectomy reduces upper respiratory infections in children
Children who have their adenoids surgically removed do not get fewer upper respiratory tract infections such as sinusitis and colds, finds research published on
Stopping snoring cuts heart attack risk
Sleep apnoea patients who are successfully treated have lower blood fat levels and a reduced risk of heart attack than people who are left untreated, University of Sydney researchers ...
New exercise guidelines for asthma patients
Asthmatics will be better informed of safe and effective exercise with a new position statement released to coincide with National Asthma Week (September 1-7).
'Risk score' spots patients at high risk of serious blood clots
A new risk prediction tool can identify patients at high risk of serious blood clots (known as venous thromboembolism) who might need preventative treatment, says a study published ...
Pre-pregnancy overweight may programme teen asthma symptoms
Mums who are overweight or obese when they become pregnant may be programming their children to have asthma-like respiratory symptoms during adolescence, suggests research published ...
Concern over intensive treatment for type 2 diabetes patients
Doctors should be cautious about prescribing intensive glucose lowering treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes as a way of reducing heart complications, concludes a new study ...
Discontinuation of low dose aspirin & heart attack risk
Patients with a history of heart disease who stop taking aspirin are at a significantly increased risk of heart attack compared with those who continue treatment, finds a study ...
Contact allergies trigger immune system defences to ward off cancer
Contact allergies (reactions caused by direct contact with substances like common metals and chemicals) may help prime the immune system to ward off certain types of cancer, suggests ...
Sitting for long periods doubles risk of blood clots in the lungs
Women who sit for long periods of time everyday are two to three times more likely to develop a life threatening blood clot in their lungs than more active women, finds a study ...
Obesity is a killer in non-smoking women
Obesity is an important contributor to premature death in women who have never smoked, especially among women in low income groups, finds research published on
Exposure to air pollution linked to "uncontrolled" asthma
Long term exposure to air pollution is strongly linked to uncontrolled asthma, suggests research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Australians need to know & ask about organ donations
Australia has achieved a 19% increase in organ donation and transplantation outcomes in the year to date (as at 31 May 2011), with 416 Australians receiving life-saving and life-changing ...
Low energy diet can improve sleep disorder
Sufferers of the sleep disorder obstructive sleep apnoea could benefit from following a low energy diet to lose weight, finds research published on
Know the difference between chesty & dry cough
Experts are calling for Aussies to pay attention to their coughs this winter as new research from Bisolvon shows some people are still not certain about the difference between a ...
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