Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Feature Articles

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Bone up on ways to prevent osteoporosis
During Healthy Bone Week (August 1 – 7), NPS MedicineWise is urging Australians to minimise their risk of osteoporosis from an early age through diet and lifestyle changes.
Eight glasses of water per day a "nonsense"
The recommendation to drink six to eight glasses of water a day to prevent dehydration "is not only nonsense, but is thoroughly debunked nonsense," argues GP, Margaret McCartney in ...
Sitting for long periods doubles risk of blood clots in the lungs
Women who sit for long periods of time everyday are two to three times more likely to develop a life threatening blood clot in their lungs than more active women, finds a study ...
Nutritional supplement burns fat, improves exercise perfomance
A new study has shown for the first time that taking a particular food supplement increases muscle carnitine content and reduces muscle carbohydrate use, while increasing fat used ...
Kids shown to be after-school couch potatoes
Most after school activities undertaken by 10-14 year olds are sedentary, with TV topping the list, a recent study has shown.
Should pregnant women sleep on their left?
Women who do not go to sleep on their left side on their last night of pregnancy have a doubled risk of late stillbirth compared with women who sleep on their left side, finds research ...
Group therapy helps MS sufferers cope with depression
Offering Multiple Sclerosis sufferers emotional support through group therapy sessions could improve their quality of life, a study at The University of Nottingham has discovered. ...
Brisk walking could improve prostate cancer outcomes
Men with prostate cancer can improve their outcomes if they walk briskly for at least three hours a week following their diagnosis, according to a recent study in Cancer Research, ...
Preparation reduces winter sports injuries
During winter those who are active need to prepare for the cold conditions or risk injuries, warns Sports Medicine Australia.
Menopause survey aims to activate healthy choices
Women from across Australia are being surveyed to find out their attitudes to exercise during menopause.
Mental health problems associated with young, risky drivers
Young adults who take risks when driving are more likely to experience psychological distress, including mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, reveals research ...
Yoga improves quality of life for women undergoing radiotherapy
For women with breast cancer undergoing radiation therapy, yoga offers unique benefits beyond fighting fatigue, according to new research from The University of Texas MD Anderson ...
My pain's not your pain
When a person's been deskbound all day, it's often not until they stop work they realise how sore their lower back is.
T’ai chi helps prevent falls in the elderly
T’ai chi has particular health benefits for older people, including helping to prevent falls and improving mental wellbeing, reveals a review published ahead of print in the British ...
Illusion can halve the pain of osteoarthritis
A serendipitous discovery by academics at The University of Nottingham has shown that a simple illusion can significantly reduce — and in some cases even temporarily eradicate — ...
Helping children with Tourette syndrome
Children with Tourette syndrome could benefit from behavioural therapy to reduce their symptoms, according to a new brain imaging study.
The risks of passive smoking on pregnant women
Pregnant non-smokers who breathe in the second-hand smoke of other people are at an increased risk of delivering stillborn babies or babies with defects, a study led by researchers ...
Acupuncture curbs severity of menopausal hot flushes
Traditional Chinese acupuncture curbs the severity of hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms, suggests a small study published today in Acupuncture in Medicine.
Lousy summer leads to low Vitamin D
Rain and cloud coverage doesn’t leave a lot of room for the sun.
Managing pain when you take other medicines
NPS MedicineWise is encouraging people with chronic conditions to speak with their doctor, pharmacist or health professional before taking over-the-counter medicines as part of a ...
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