Accident & Emergency Care Feature Articles

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Antibiotic Awareness Week 2014: "Imagine a world without antibiotics"
Antibiotic Awareness Week 2014 is being held across Australia (17-23 November), and NPS MedicineWise is asking all Australians to imagine a world without antibiotics and join the ...
G20 response to Ebola crisis 'dangerously inadequate'
The G20's promise to pursue inclusive and sustainable growth is welcome, but its response to the Ebola crisis is dangerously inadequate, Oxfam Australia said in a recent statement.
Improving emergency department efficiency: a case study
New evidence shows hospitals can significantly improve efficiency and even bring down hospital mortality by refining their emergency department (ED) processes.
eHealth 'threatened by self-interested doctors'
The full potential of electronic health records is being threatened by self-interested doctors who wrongly claim they are putting patients' interests first, lobby group Consumers ...
Emergency in the emergency room – solutions to system overload
Despite persistent media coverage revealing shocking circumstances in hospital emergency departments, long waiting times – which are detrimental to patients, medical staff and health ...
Lifeless hearts restarted and transplanted successfully
In a world first, an Australian specialist performed two successful heart transplants using organs that had stopped beating, been re-animated inside a novel carrier box, and then ...
Govt appoints expert to aid Australia's Ebola response
The federal government has appointed Professor Lyn Gilbert to advise hospital-based clinicians and infectious disease experts on how best to prevent and control the spread of the ...
More emergency department patients 'seen on time'
The proportion of emergency department patients who were 'seen on time' for their urgency (triage) category rose from 70 per cent to 75 per cent between 2009-10 and 2013-14, according ...
Govt's $538m medical research fund provides critical boost
Funding worth more than $538 million to help researchers find cures, treatments and medical devices of the future has been announced by the federal government.
How to reduce infection spreading in a clinic or hospital
Infections acquired in acute healthcare facilities are the most common complication to affect Australian patients, with over 200,000 infections every year.
Timing 'key' for traumatic brain injury treatment
Two potential treatments have been discovered for traumatic brain injury which are most effective when given at different stages after the injury has occurred.
Aust Ebola aid workers putting nation 'at risk': MP
Larger-than-life political figure Bob Katter has drawn the ire of key health leaders by claiming the Cairns woman suspected of having been infected by the Ebola virus – and others ...
GP co-payment plan about to bite the dust?
In a telltale sign the policy could be all but dead and buried, Minister for Health Peter Dutton unexpectedly made an 11th-hour decision to hold back from introducing legislation ...
"Shoctober": defibrillator awareness month for silent killer
Sudden cardiac arrest is a silent killer with the potential to affect anyone, anywhere, and at any time or age.
Current mandatory reporting laws for GPs 'need overhaul'
Current laws mandatory reporting laws for doctors pose a risk to the public because they deter doctors from seeking medical consultations when they most need it, according to a recent ...
Could robots ever entirely replace the human hand?
Remember the pod scene from the 2012 movie Prometheus, where a character straps herself into a capsule and a mechanical arm proceeds to perform an emergency procedure on her?
Aust displayed 'world class' preparedness to Ebola scare
The professionalism shown by emergency and health workers in dealing with a suspected Ebola patient on the Gold Coast should be praised, Minister for Health Peter Dutton has said in ...
'Inspire' key theme of national doctors conference
Is there a doctor in the house? If there was ever a time to be unwell in Adelaide it would be during the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) annual conference, ...
Computer avatars help transform healthcare training
A life-like computer-simulated 'avatar' of an elderly gentleman with dementia has the potential to improve the pre-clinical skills of healthcare students.
Higher education reforms "time bomb" for future medical workforce
The government should urgently reconsider its higher education reforms amid concerns that the critical change will have a devastating and lasting effect on the size, shape, and ...
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