Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Call for investment in dementia-friendly Vic communities
Alzheimer's Australia Vic has called for funding for the development of six dementia-friendly communities across Victoria over the next three years.
Online palliative care training supports carers
National Palliative Care Week recently urged people to talk about dying, and the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has announced the development of new online ...
Health Ministers endorse new approach to end-of-life care in hospitals
A new consensus statement describing the essential elements for providing safe and high-quality care at the end of life has been endorsed by the Australian Health Ministers as the ...
8 Ways to Upgrade Your Aged Care Facility Without Breaking the Budget
You want to improve your aged care facility, but feel the restraints of a tight budget are holding you back.
Falls cause 80% of nursing home deaths: study
The first comprehensive study into injury related or premature deaths of residents in nursing homes has found that more than 80 per cent are from falls.
$4.8m back-pay for thousands of aged care workers
Thousands of aged care nurses, allied health workers and support staff are being reimbursed almost $4.8 million after their employer discovered it had inadvertently underpaid their ...
Dynamic arm supports providing independence to those with disability
MedicalSearch spoke to Wim Hartog about dynamic arm supports, and their important role in providing improved disability access, independence and increased potential for individuals, ...
Care for dementia patients improves with carer involvement: research
A major clinical study has revealed care for hospitalised patients with dementia can be significantly improved by incorporating advice from carers, with the TOP 5 program resulting ...
In-home care innovation aids professionals and care seekers
After watching their families struggle to find care for their ageing grandparents, two sisters from Sydney have created Careseekers – an online marketplace connecting people needing ...
Depression is genetic, not a pain in the back
People suffering from depression and back pain can likely attribute these afflictions to their genes, suggests new research from the University of Sydney.
New course recognises changing healthcare landscape
As healthcare increasingly depends on the innovative use of modern technologies the University of Sydney has announced a first of its kind master's degree aimed at developing leaders ...
PHAA welcomes announcement of Primary Health Networks
The CEO of the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) Michael Moore, has welcomed the much awaited announcement by Health Minister Sussan Ley of the successful tender applicants ...
Call for national leadership on mental health
Mental health charity SANE Australia has called for national leadership on mental health reform from all governments and all political parties.
10 minimum standards for medical forms
The AMA has developed a guide outlining 10 minimum standards that should apply to forms that medical practitioners are asked to complete by organisations such as Centrelink, the ...
Govt confirms $300m mental health funding
Mental health services will have their funding renewed in a move to give them certainty, Minister for Health Sussan Ley announced.
Budget cuts to Health Flexible Funds threaten vital services
A coalition of eleven peak organisations from the health and community sectors is calling on the Australian Government to scrap plans to cut nearly $200 million in funding to key ...
'No carer should be worse off' as NSW transitions to NDIS
In the lead up to the NSW State Election, Carers NSW is calling upon candidates to commit to continuity and support for carers in NSW as we transition towards the National Disability ...
How to ensure your medical practice stays clean and hygienic
A hygienic working environment is essential for your medical practice to offer the highest quality care to your patients. Maintaining optimal hygiene standards helps to improve ...
Aged care reform: how far have we come in Australia?
With the ageing population continuing to grow in Australia, we have seen a considerable shift in the demand for healthcare services of the elderly.
Carers 'integral' to new Vic State Disability Plan
Carers Victoria CEO Caroline Mulcahy has welcomed the Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, Martin Foley's decision to commence the consultation process for a new State ...
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