Hospital Equipment & Supplies Feature Articles

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Fairer hospital parking fees for NSW patients
Patients who need the most support will save as much as $200 a week on public hospital parking fees under changes to be introduced by the NSW Government.
Redistribution of medical school places not sole solution: AMA
The AMA believes that while Australia now has sufficient medical graduates and medical school places to meet current and future needs, greater funding for prevocational and specialist ...
RACGP calls for focus on patient safety in after-hours debate
The RACGP has again voiced concerns over the significant increase in urgent after-hours visits in recent years, saying patient safety may be put at risk if these services do not ...
Coalition to deliver more doctors for regional and rural Australia
Hundreds of new junior doctors are set to experience work as a general practitioner in regional and rural Australia through a new Australian Government initiative.
Pharmacists reject further cuts to PBS outlined in new report
The recommendations in a new Grattan Institute report calling for further cuts to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) are cause for significant concern, the peak national body ...
Vic funding boost to put the safety of health workers first
Frontline workers and patients will benefit from additional safety measures to reduce and prevent violence in hospitals and mental health services through the second round of the ...
Medicinal cannabis takes big steps forward in Victoria
The Andrews Labor Government is getting on with establishing a reliable, safe production pipeline for the supply of high quality medicinal cannabis for Victorian patients.
Remember pharmacists are healthcare professionals
Pharmacy owners should continue paying their employee pharmacists above award rates, the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) said recently. ...
Public hospitals in state of emergency
AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon, said recently that inadequate funding has consigned Australia’s public hospitals – and all the dedicated health professionals who work in them – to ...
Aussies self-prescribing vitamins and supplements risk their health
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is concerned about the large number of Australians risking their health by self-prescribing vitamins and supplements.
$93M investment for health workforce agencies
A national network of agencies will be redesigned to deliver better health outcomes for people living in regional, rural and remote Australia.
Spending on mental health services exceeds $8.5 billion
Expenditure on mental health-related services in Australia continues to increase, according to new data released recently by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).
$107 million delivers record number of interns for ‘burbs and the bush
The NSW Government is ensuring that every citizen across NSW has the best access to healthcare through a $107 million hospital internship program preparing the health workforce of ...
More cancer cases diagnosed, but less deaths & improved survival rates
The latest cancer report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) shows that while cancer is a major cause of ill health in Australia, and more cases are being ...
Vic hospitals rise to the challenge under record demand
Victorian hospitals have experienced unprecedented demand with 443,084 patients presenting at emergency departments across the state over the summer months, the latest health ...
Public Health Association welcomes focus on preventive health
The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) President, David Templeman, is encouraged by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s announcement on preventative health at the National ...
World-first trial shows improving diet can treat major depression
A new trial from Deakin University has shown for the first time that improving diet quality can treat major depression.
Health stars campaign to help tackle obesity
The Coalition Government recently announced a new national public awareness campaign to promote the front of pack health stars on packaged foods in an effort to help tackle Australia’s ...
Local insights: State and territory summaries published
Individual annual report summaries for each state and territory, offering insights into how the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme is operating across Australia, have ...
Set funding targets for GP services, research: AMA
The AMA has called on the Government to set a target for funding GP services, to deliver extra funding for general practice research, and to set up a centre of excellence in general ...
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