Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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Human T-cells make life or death decisions
Using a super-resolution fluorescent microscope, medical scientists are a step closer to understanding why and how human immune cells decide to activate or not, thus enabling or ...
Sun, sand, the sea - and a boob job
The combination of sun, sand, the sea and a boob job is proving an irresistible lure to scores of young Australian women travelling to exotic destinations for cosmetic surgery.
'Superhero' protein could help detect diseases
A small protein has been engineered to be a superhero in the world of proteins, and may help in the detection of a range of diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever, a James Cook ...
Shutting down: good night's snooze a web click away
Do insomniacs dream of electric sleep?
Medical professional drug pilfering is rare but perilous
Medical professional drug pilfering is rare but perilous
A new approach to deadly influenza outbreaks in nursing homes
In developed countries people over 65 years old are the most likely to die from an influenza outbreak and people in nursing homes, where the virus is difficult to control, are ...
The battle diggers face after war
For hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Australian troops, withdrawal from Afghanistan will simply bring a new battle - with mental illness.
Depression: experts outline innovative approaches
Depression can be a stubborn problem — at least one in three patients fail to respond to proven therapies — and experts in the field have put their heads together to outline practical ...
Bottled beverage sales expected to grow despite call for bans
Health experts across the United States and Australia have highlighted soft drinks as one of the culprits for their places as the first and second ranking countries respectively in ...
What if your antibiotics didn't work?
Experts call for simple measures to stem the tide of antimicrobial resistance.
Online treatment dramatically cuts suicide risks
Web-based treatment for people with depression cuts by half the number of people with the illness contemplating suicide, Australian research shows.
Australians are feeling the urge to donate to science
When Ron announced to his family that his body would be donated to science, no one was going to stand in his way.
Health workers encouraged to ask  R U OK?
With an estimated 13 million Australians aware of R U OK? Day and 1 in 5 taking part in 2011, this year’s R U OK? Day on September 13 is set to encourage even more Australians health ...
Grass pollen allergy research tackles hay fever
Queenslanders can expect to endure a longer hay fever season than the rest of Australia thanks to flowering subtropical grasses.
Understanding the Alzheimer's brain
In a small laboratory at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Wagga Wagga, ground breaking research using mice aims to discover more about brain cell death in people suffering from ...
Unearthing clues to surviving ovarian cancer
Researchers at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research have begun Australia’s first study into lifestyle factors that may improve survival rates and quality of life for women ...
PNG doctors taught how to save hearts by Aussie teams
"They have the future of surgical medicine in their hands. It’s our job to get that first generation up and running." Dr Matthew Crawford, Anaesthetist and Operation Open Heart ...
Male circumcision: a cutting issue
The Tasmanian Law Reform Institute has recommended that male circumcision should be banned unless the religious or cultural reasons for the surgery are ‘well established’.
Mechanisms of acquired chemoresistance in ovarian cancer
The presence of multiple ovarian cancer genomes in an individual patient and the absence or downregulation of the gene LRP1B are associated with the development of chemoresistance ...
The ethics of human organ and tissue transplantation
Dead bodies are big business. There is a growing and very lucrative trade in human tissue — but how will the Australian medical industry keep up with the associated technologies ...
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