Hospital Equipment & Supplies Feature Articles

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Record number of Australian lives saved
The Federal Government recently announced a record number of Australian lives saved as a result of a surge in the donation of deceased organs in 2016.
Pharmacists support chronic disease pilot in Victoria
A new pilot program enabling pharmacists to work more closely with general practitioners to improve healthcare outcomes and target chronic disease in Victoria has been welcomed by ...
Rescheduling of over the counter codeine products will save lives
The Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) decision to reschedule over the counter (OTC) codeine-based products, announced 20 December 2016, will save the lives of many Australians, ...
Give the gift of life this Christmas
The AMA is encouraging Australians to use family time this Christmas to discuss organ donation, and make the serious commitment to register to become an organ donor.
Australia's front line health care at breaking point: RACGP
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is warning the provision of essential medical care for Australians has reached a crossroads and the nation's general ...
Early diagnosis and intervention crucial for children with ASD
The AMA recently called for coordinated action to speed up the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in children, and to provide early intervention therapies to give children ...
World-first medicinal cannabis trial now recruiting patients in NSW
Doctors are now recruiting patients in a world-first medicinal cannabis trial in NSW for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. The clinical trial will involve ...
NSW Health seeks opinions for its latest Blue Book review
NSW Health has announced the start of a major review into NSW Health's Personal Health Record, known as the 'Blue Book', and is inviting comment from parents, carers and health ...
VIC launches state-wide review into thunderstorm asthma emergency
The Inspector-General of Emergency Management will lead a state-wide review of the emergency response to the thunderstorm asthma event that occurred on Monday 21 November.
Victorians first to access melanoma blood test to save lives
Victorians will be the first in Australia to access a revolutionary new blood test to diagnose melanoma sooner and give patients the best chance of survival.
NSW Health launches plan to boost Aboriginal health workforce
NSW Health recently launched a new statewide plan to boost the Aboriginal health workforce and reduce the health gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.
Antibiotic Awareness Week: how we can help fight antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic Awareness Week is a global health initiative to alert everyone to the serious health threat posed by antibiotic resistance.
How the immune system keeps 'traitor cells' in lockdown: research
New Australian research has shown how the immune system avoids attacking its own tissues with antibodies – whilst still maintaining a strong defence against invaders.
‘Fact Check’ on integrating pharmacists into GP practices: PSA
A new document addressing concerns about integrating pharmacists into GP practices with evidence-based facts has been launched by the peak national body for pharmacists, the ...
How electronic medical records can benefit your practice
If you've already moved your medical records – patient diagnoses and health records – to an electronic system, read on for reassurance; you're doing the right thing.
Obesity - Australia's biggest public health challenge
AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon, said recently that obesity is the biggest public health challenge facing the Australian population.
Government fails to deliver on Health Care Homes: RACGP
The Federal Government’s Health Care Homes model is inadequately funded and will not improve health outcomes for millions of Australians living with chronic and complex conditions, ...
How to deal with patients who self diagnose with Dr Google
"No doctor, I checked it online myself. It's definitely diabetes!"
Survey to assess working hours for doctors: AMA Safe Hours Audit
The AMA recently launched its 2016 Safe Hours Audit, an online survey to assess the fatigue risk of the working hours of salaried doctors and doctors in training, including GP ...
Further evidence a high priority for GPs in use of medicinal cannabis
Changes to legislation on medicinal cannabis have the potential to be mistaken by patients as official endorsement of its use, according to a position statement released this week ...
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