Accident & Emergency Care Feature Articles

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Emergency department crisis 'to get worse' with federal cuts
The federal government's plan to cut $55 billion from hospital funding and introduce a GP co-payment ought to be immediately abandoned, the Health Services Union has said in a ...
GP co-payments: readers have their say
It has been nearly a month since the federal government delivered the 2014 Federal Budget.
Unwarranted surgery 'costing millions'
A new government report into the dramatic variations in rates for some surgical procedures should spur a vigorous response to curb unwarranted surgery costing the taxpayer many ...
'Strengthen' performance reporting for more efficient health system
'Can we improve the health system with performance reporting?' is the latest issue brief published by the Deeble Institute for Health Policy Research, the research arm of the Australian ...
PHAA supports 'No GP Tax in our name!' Campaign
The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) has thrown its support behind the 'No GP Tax in our name!' Campaign.
Govt to inject $52m into palliative care services and training
The Australian government will provide $52 million over three years to improve palliative care services and training, the Assistant Minister for Health, Fiona Nash, has announced.
Health minister 'let down' by colleagues on co-payment sell
The proposed GP co-payment scheme is a practical measure necessary for the long-term sustainability of Medicare however Health Minister Peter Dutton has been "let down" by colleagues ...
Reject 'ruthless' budget policies: ANMF
The Senate should reject the federal budget's policies on Medicare, the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has said, labelling policy measures "ruthless".
State Minister's plan for GPs in ED hospitals 'misguided'
Proposals by the NSW State Minister for GPs to be put into state hospitals to deal with the probable influx of GP-type patients to emergency departments are misguided and will end ...
Budget 2014: more for medical research, less for hospitals
A bright future lies ahead for medical research with the creation of the 'world's largest medical research endowment fund', although $15 billion will be shaved off the commonwealth's ...
Voters 'strongly opposed' to Medicare co-payment plan: poll
Most Australians oppose paying to see a doctor and believe a co-payment will simply mean more people going to emergency departments, new research commissioned by the Consumers Health ...
'If you've got the money, you're universally covered'
While the National Commission of Audit makes much of the predicted increases in health expenditure it makes no recommendations that encourage a greater focus on health promotion and ...
NCA puts health care 'out of reach' for Australians: AMA
The health recommendations proposed by the National Commission of Audit (NCA) would put health, medical and pharmaceutical care out of reach for Australian families, said AMA President ...
NCA recommendations slammed by key health bodies
Five key health organisations have written to Tony Abbott to express deep concern in relation to the reports and recommendations of the National Commission of Audit (NCA), which ...
Protect patients from drug-resistant infections, WHO urges
Infections in health facilities are often resistant to the antibiotics used to treat them, initial results from a new World Health Organisation (WHO) global survey have confirmed.
Using telehealth to treat chronic heart failure patients
The ability of nurse-supported telehealth to efficiently enable the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) could soon be realised, thanks to a new trial set up by ...
'Continuing decline' in public hospital capacity: report
The latest Australian Hospital Statistics 2012-13 report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) shows a continuing decline in public hospital capacity, particularly ...
GPs called on to participate in landmark aged care survey
GPs are being asked to participate in an important new survey that aims to map the provision of palliative care and advance care planning services around Australia for the first time. ...
New whiplash scanning tech 'could' lead to better treatment
New powerful technology may help identify whiplash injuries in the neck that could lead to better treatment of chronic neck pain and disability, according to a team of researchers ...
Using 'CHAT' as an alternative to outpatient clinics
A trial of a new patient care model, which uses over-the-phone consultations and computers to help better understand the needs of the patient, began this month (April 2014), led by ...
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