Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery Feature Articles

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An apple a day keeps the heart healthy
An apple a day keeps the doctor away - and researchers at The University of Western Australia (UWA) and the Department of Agriculture and Food are closer to understanding exactly ...
Women with PCOS have family heart disease link
A new study from the University of Adelaide shows the parents of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are more likely to have some form of cardiovascular disease.
Review of stroke treatment could save lives
Doctors are underutilising crucial medication to prevent deadly strokes in those with a common type of heart condition, new research says, leading to fresh calls for a review of ...
A difficult pill to swallow
There is a trick to making a difficult pill easier to swallow.
Cardiovascular effects of exposure to air pollution
High levels of pollution could increase the risk of having a heart attack for up to six hours after exposure, finds research published on
Yellow patches around eyelids predict risk of heart problems
Raised yellow patches of skin (xanthelasmata) around the upper or lower eyelids are markers of an individual’s increased risk of having a heart attack or suffering from heart disease, ...
Sudden cardiac arrest more common in poorer neighbourhoods
Residents of lower income neighborhoods are more likely to experience sudden cardiac arrest, a new study finds.
Stopping snoring cuts heart attack risk
Sleep apnoea patients who are successfully treated have lower blood fat levels and a reduced risk of heart attack than people who are left untreated, University of Sydney researchers ...
Calculating cholesterol: a balancing act
Non-elevated cholesterol levels are often considered an excuse to continue with unhealthy eating patterns, but measuring total cholesterol may not be an accurate reflection of what ...
New exercise guidelines for asthma patients
Asthmatics will be better informed of safe and effective exercise with a new position statement released to coincide with National Asthma Week (September 1-7).
It's official – chocolate linked to heart health
High levels of chocolate consumption might be associated with a one third reduction in the risk of developing heart disease, finds a study published on
You are what you eat; but how do you know what you're eating?
Australians want solutions to help them make healthier choices on the foods they like to eat; 88% want healthier choices at burger and pizza chains, 91% at chicken chains and 90% at ...
'Risk score' spots patients at high risk of serious blood clots
A new risk prediction tool can identify patients at high risk of serious blood clots (known as venous thromboembolism) who might need preventative treatment, says a study published ...
Sleep apnoea treatment reduces heart attack risk
Sleep apnoea patients who are successfully treated have lower blood fat levels and a reduced risk of heart attack than people who are left untreated, University of Sydney researchers ...
Reducing global salt intake
Health policy makers and governments around the world must decide how best to reduce population salt intake to save most lives and public money in shrinking economies, say experts ...
Stroke prevention medicine review helps people be medicinewise
Dabigatran (Pradaxa) – a new anticoagulant medicine to help prevent strokes in people with an irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) is reviewed in the latest edition of Medicine ...
Salt lovers on a slippery slope
Links between high blood pressure and salt intake have been made for the first time in Australians.
Concern over intensive treatment for type 2 diabetes patients
Doctors should be cautious about prescribing intensive glucose lowering treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes as a way of reducing heart complications, concludes a new study ...
Married men seek heart attack treatment sooner
Men who are married or in relationships seek medical care sooner for heart attacks compared with single, divorced or widowed men, found a new study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association ...
Discontinuation of low dose aspirin & heart attack risk
Patients with a history of heart disease who stop taking aspirin are at a significantly increased risk of heart attack compared with those who continue treatment, finds a study ...
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