Paediatrics & Neonatology Feature Articles

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The tanning bed talk: Advice for parents
UT MD Anderson paediatric oncologists share tips on talking to teens about tanning bed dangers.
Growing up on livestock farm linked to blood cancer risks
Growing up on a livestock farm seems to be linked to an increased risk of developing blood cancers as an adult, indicates research published online in Occupational and Environmental ...
Children born after unplanned pregnancy are slower to develop
Children born after unplanned pregnancies tend to have a more limited vocabulary and poorer non-verbal and spatial abilities; however this is almost entirely explained by their ...
A new hope for children suffering from glue ear
A revolutionary biodegradable pellet which slowly releases antibiotics into the middle ear could transform the lives of thousands of children who suffer from glue ear.
A doctor’s right: Conscientious objection to medical procedures
Doctors should be allowed to object to any procedure that conflicts with their personal, moral, or religious beliefs, reveals a survey of medical students, published in the Journal ...
Manual breast milk expression better than breast pump
Expressing breast milk by hand in the first days after birth is better for boosting breastfeeding rates among poorly feeding newborns than the use of a breast pump, indicates a small ...
No link between swine flu vaccine & nerve disorder
Adjuvanted vaccines used during the 2009 swine flu pandemic did not increase the risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome substantially, if at all, finds a large Europe-wide study published ...
Kids shown to be after-school couch potatoes
Most after school activities undertaken by 10-14 year olds are sedentary, with TV topping the list, a recent study has shown.
Do traditional birth attendants improve mother & child health?
The use of traditional birth attendants in developed countries has generated a lot of heated debate over the decades. On, two experts go head to head over whether traditional ...
Australians need to know & ask about organ donations
Australia has achieved a 19% increase in organ donation and transplantation outcomes in the year to date (as at 31 May 2011), with 416 Australians receiving life-saving and life-changing ...
Children who sleep less more likely to be overweight
Young children who do not get enough sleep are at increased risk of becoming overweight, even after taking account of lifestyle factors, finds a study published on
Know the difference between chesty & dry cough
Experts are calling for Aussies to pay attention to their coughs this winter as new research from Bisolvon shows some people are still not certain about the difference between a ...
Far reaching effects of migraine
New research reveals the far reaching effects of migraine on millions of Australian lives.
Patient reporting helps highlight serious side effects of drugs
New research has shown that patient reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is richer in detail and better at describing the impact on their daily lives than information ...
My pain's not your pain
When a person's been deskbound all day, it's often not until they stop work they realise how sore their lower back is.
Are medical schools failing to teach legal skills?
Most medical students feel they lack the skills and legal knowledge required to challenge poor clinical practice and promote better patient care, reveals research published ahead of ...
Healthy sources of Vitamin D
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center experts recommend getting Vitamin D from sources other than sunlight.
Breast-fed babies become children with fewer behaviour problems
Babies who are breastfed are far less likely to become children with behaviour problems by the time they reach the age of five than those who receive formula milk, reveals research ...
Persistent infants crying and childhood behavioural problems
Infants who have problems with persistent crying, sleeping and/or feeding – known as regulatory problems – are far more likely to become children with significant behavioural problems, ...
Long-term poverty affects children’s cognitive development
Children from homes that experience persistent poverty are more likely to have their cognitive development affected than children in better off homes, reveals research published ...
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