Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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NSW govt's 'virtual beds' creating false bed count impression
The NSW health system has come under attack from NSW Labor following allegations its bed count includes patients sleeping in their own homes and those being moved between hospitals ...
Google's 'smart spoon' offers helping hand to Parkinson's patients
Tech giant and pioneer Google hopes to help patients suffering from essential tremors and Parkinson's disease through a new hi-tech 'smart spoon'.
How carers can help patients reduce the risk and fear of falling
One in three people aged over 65 report falling at least once a year. Carers, who identify patients at risk or with a fear of falling, may be able to reduce the overall incidence of ...
GP workload 'steadily rising' with ageing population
General practitioners (GPs) are working harder, treating more chronic conditions, ordering more pathology tests, and seeing more elderly patients than they were a decade ago, according ...
Stroke survivors' medical costs stay high '10Y on'
New data shows that healthcare and personal costs to support survivors of stroke remains high 10 years on.
eHealth 'threatened by self-interested doctors'
The full potential of electronic health records is being threatened by self-interested doctors who wrongly claim they are putting patients' interests first, lobby group Consumers ...
Top Considerations When Working With Home Care Patients
Home care services may be essential for patients with limited transport or lower acuity problems, and can even help reduce wait times in hospital emergency departments.
Govt's $538m medical research fund provides critical boost
Funding worth more than $538 million to help researchers find cures, treatments and medical devices of the future has been announced by the federal government.
How to reduce infection spreading in a clinic or hospital
Infections acquired in acute healthcare facilities are the most common complication to affect Australian patients, with over 200,000 infections every year.
Stopping the dementia "tsunami"
Dementia will soon engulf more than 100 million people across the globe.
Govt's nursing home trial "a farce"
A new federal government trial to have quality checks abolished for nursing homes which have 'consistently demonstrated high levels of care' is a "farce" and puts the well-being of ...
Depressed elderly people at 'increased risk' of falls
Falls are common in elderly people but the risk increases markedly when they have depressive symptoms, research from Neuroscience Research Australia shows.
GP co-payment plan about to bite the dust?
In a telltale sign the policy could be all but dead and buried, Minister for Health Peter Dutton unexpectedly made an 11th-hour decision to hold back from introducing legislation ...
Virtual technology used for cerebral palsy patient support
Computer modelling is being used to predict the most effective way to help cerebral palsy patients walk and move more easily.
Arthritis patients, clinicians urged to heed paracetamol warnings
Osteoarthritis (OA) patients have been cautioned about the overuse of paracetamol to counteract pain following recent reports about the alarming number of Australians hospitalised ...
Nurses and midwives defeat wage freeze bill
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has congratulated Tasmanian nurses and midwives for defending patient safety by successfully campaigning against the State ...
Osteoporosis drugs 'could' treat osteoarthritis
Researchers are trialling a once-a-year treatment to slow osteoarthritis.
Current mandatory reporting laws for GPs 'need overhaul'
Current laws mandatory reporting laws for doctors pose a risk to the public because they deter doctors from seeking medical consultations when they most need it, according to a recent ...
Balance exercises 'can decrease' fall risk
Researchers at the University of Sydney have advised that if you are over 65 and have had a fall before, engaging in daily balance exercises can significantly decrease the risk of ...
'Inspire' key theme of national doctors conference
Is there a doctor in the house? If there was ever a time to be unwell in Adelaide it would be during the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) annual conference, ...
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