Dental Care & Oral Surgery Feature Articles

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Indigenous, non-Indigenous health spending ratio stays same
Per person spending on health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples was 17% higher than for the non-Indigenous population in 2004-05, according to a report ...
ADA responds to claims that dentistry doesn't fit with Medicare
The Australian Dental Association (ADA) has responded to calls that dental services be covered under Medicare by responding that they are totally misplaced.
Public health spending is 2 pct of the total spent on health
National expenditure on public health activities has remained constant at about 1.8% of total health spending over the last 7 years, according to a report released by the Australian ...
Queenslanders deserve to enjoy benefits of water fluoridation
The Australian Dental Association (Queensland Branch) (ADAQ), the voice of dentistry in Queensland, fully supports Premier Anna Bligh’s decision to fluoridate Queensland’s water ...
NSW health system performing above national average
The NSW public health system continues to perform at or above the national average for almost every performance indicator, according to the Auditor-General's Report to Parliament ...
ADA welcomes news that Qld will fluoridate water supplies
The Australian Dental Association (ADA) welcomes Premier Bligh’s announcement that the Government would tackle the poor condition of Queensland’s oral health by introducing fluoride ...
Plans for improving access to quality health care for all Aussies
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has launched its Election Manifesto 2007 and First 100 Day Plan, which outlines practical strategies to improve access to ...
It is about time for both fed and state govts to "fix health" :AMA
AMA (WA) says Federal Labor's election victory should put an end to the blame game between the State and Commonwealth and enable both governments to set about solving the major ...
Fluoridated water puts Aust kids in top 10 in world dental health
Children in Australia have better oral health than children in many other countries, due largely to fluoridated water, says a report released by the Australian Institute of Health ...
Aust health innovators look to Medica for export success
Austrade, the Australian Government’s export development agency, will help our most innovative medical exporters showcase their products to buyers from more than 60 countries at ...
New study links dementia with taking care of teeth
To keep dementia at bay, take care of your teeth. That seems to be the message of a new study in which researchers found a possible link between tooth loss or having very few teeth ...
Report reveals growth in health expenditure slowing down
According to a new report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Health expenditure Australia 2005-2006, growth in health expenditure is slowing.
Regulator cancels registration of anti inflammatory drug
Australia's medicines Regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has cancelled the registration of the osteoarthritis drug, Lumiracoxib because of serious liver side ...
NSW: Tax cuts may undermine dental care spending
The Council of Social Service of NSW (NCOSS) has welcomed the recent budget announcements on additional infrastructure but has expressed disappointment that property tax cuts will ...
Fluoridating water would improve dental health care in Queensland
Fluoridating water would help reverse a concerning trend of bad tooth decay among Queenslanders, according to Health Minister Stephen Robertson.
Let's bite the bullet on oral and dental health and fix the problems
With national leadership and affordable new expenditure, Australia could fix the terrible state of oral and dental health among its adults.
Risk of contracting HIV in dental surgery discovered to be low
The risk of contracting HIV in the dental surgery, whether from an infected dentist or from contaminated instruments, is extremely low.
Dental care in Australia is in serious need of radical change
MS has recently featured 3 detailed Q&As recently with Hans Zoellner, a dental lecturer at Sydney University, and the Chair of the Association for the Promotion of Oral Health.
Only the Government can fix the problems in dental care
Over the last few weeks, we have published two Q&As with Hans Zoellner, a dental lecturer at Sydney University, and the Chair of the Association for the Promotion of Oral Health. He ...
How can the growing problems in the dental industry be fixed?
Last week, we published the first in our series of Q&As with Hans Zoellner, a dental lecturer at Sydney University, and the Chair of the Association for the Promotion of Oral Health. ...
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