Anaesthesia & Respiratory Care Feature Articles

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Understanding business etiquette in international trade
With significant geographic, language and cultural barriers, nations that are typically considered "Western," (Western Europe and its former empire), are divided from cultures that ...
Managers report feeling isolated
As the economy recovers with its corresponding effect on workloads, a Deakin University academic has urged companies to make sure their middle managers have time for their friends.
Probiotics save early babies
Thousands more very premature babies could survive each year if probiotics were added to their feeds, according to research published recently in Pediatrics, a leading clinical ...
Extra fat harms immune balance
Australian scientists have shown for the first time that even modest weight loss reverses many of the damaging changes often seen in the immune cells of obese people, particularly ...
How to manage older workers
Almost all organisations have a group of older workers who are moving towards retirement.
Techniques to help you meet deadlines at work
Meeting deadlines is an important attribute in an employee. If you have difficulty managing your workload, it would be good to employ some techniques to help you meet deadlines at ...
High earners less generous
Australians like to pride themselves on giving money to those in need, but what motivates us to part with our hard-earned to help others?
Email invasion causes stress
The much-touted "work/life balance" has been found to be riddled with paradox with new research showing work-related email invading workers' homes and leisure spaces, causing stress, ...
CEOs step up to take direct action on women in top jobs
Members of the Business Council of Australia will be at the forefront of boosting the numbers of female CEOs and CFOs in the ASX top 200 under an initiative launched at the BCA’s ...
Older non-smokers gain most from tobacco ban
Older people who have never smoked benefit most from smoking bans, a study suggests.
Benefits of making your business look good to society
If you want to turn a profit, you've got to win over the approval of society. Bad business behaviour or unethical practices promote a questionable reputation and puts a definitive ...
Project management: How to deliver bad news
Bad news and project management seem to go hand in hand. No matter how well you plan, how detailed your documentation, how dedicated your team, there may still be problems. But there ...
Understanding the relationship between business & ethics
The relationship between business and ethics is intrinsically entwined. A successful company is one which can effectively recognise and cultivate the relationship which exists between ...
Project management: Tips for conflict resolution
Every individual is unique. Because of differing personalities, opinions, or points of view, conflict between human beings is virtually inevitable. As a project manager, you should ...
Comments sought on $52m research collaboration program
The Rudd Labor Government has released a discussion paper on the Collaborative Research Networks (CRN) program – the first of its kind in Australia – which will provide $52 million, ...
How to be a manager that gets things done
A manager gets things done via his or her people: by managing and leading them well, through the use of technical, human, and conceptual skills. In essence, he needs to perform the ...
Flexible work helps blood pressure, sleep, mental health
There is evidence to suggest that flexible working might be beneficial for employees' health if they are allowed to have input into their own working patterns, a review by Cochrane ...
Nurses: Violence part of job, only 1 in 6 incidents reported
Three-quarters of nurses providing private and public care experienced workplace violence, but only one in six incidents were formally reported, according to study published in the ...
Tobacco report outlines 21 challenges for 21st century
A new American Cancer Society report outlines 21 challenges and needs for global tobacco control, covering the wide range of issues to be addressed and expertise needed to reduce ...
Low-cost ventilators for emergency and remote use
A group of UK anaesthetists have designed and tested three prototype low-cost ventilators that could provide vital support during major healthcare emergencies involving large numbers ...
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