Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Troubleshooting and Common Issues with Patient Hoists: Tips for Prompt Resolution
This article provides troubleshooting guidance and addresses common issues encountered with patient hoists, offering practical tips for promptly identifying and resolving problems ...
Patient Hoist Buying Guide: Selecting the Right Hoist for Safe Patient Handling
This article serves as a comprehensive buying guide for individuals and facilities seeking to choose the appropriate patient hoist, emphasizing the importance of safe patient handling ...
Maintaining Hygiene Standards in Patient Hoist Usage: Preventing Cross-Contamination and Infections
This article focuses on upholding hygiene standards in patient hoist usage, highlighting the importance of preventing cross-contamination and infections by providing guidelines and ...
Revolutionizing Aged Care: OSmile ED1000 Rugged GPS Watch  -- Health Care Monitoring for Dementia Patients
GPS watches with health care monitoring revolutionize aged care, particularly for dementia patients. Enhanced safety, real-time monitoring, and location tracking improve their quality ...
How can I tell when the mattresses need to be replaced?
The directives say that the healthcare should provide better care with less resources, which can be seen as opposites to each other. How are your mattresses doing?
8 ways Nurses can maintain patient dignity at end-of-life
Read a recommended eight ways that you can maintain your patient's dignity at end of life.
What is the best shower trolley for you to use?
Explore some factors that need to be considered when choosing the right shower trolley.
How important is patient dignity at end of life?
Read about how important it is to reinforce a patient's dignity nearing their end-of-life and also how to maintain it.
Safe and easy exercise alternatives for seniors
Regular exercise has benefits for seniors that extend beyond merely keeping fit.
When It Comes To Bed Falls, Prevention Is Better Than Cure...
Why do bed falls happen in the first place? Read on to find out, and discover some products that Pelican Manufacturing offers to help prevent falls.
The Importance of Independence
Everyone should have the opportunity to live independently with dignity. As we age, sometimes we need a little bit of help.
Manual Handling: Identifying the Complications of Immobility
The immobility of a patient or person can lead to a number of consequences. Here we take a deeper look into the bodily systems immobility can affect.
Let’s Talk Pressure Care
Why Focus On Pressure Injuries? Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) represent a serious clinical and economic problem. The cost of treating HAPIs in Australian public hospitals ...
Innovate and Protect - Now is the Time for Change
If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us, it is that we cannot keep referring to old procedures, data and technology and expect them to be what is required to keep us safe ...
Six ways to help your business stay alive during COVID-19
Six ways to help your business stay alive during COVID-19
Staying in touch with your mental health can add years to your life.
Your Wheelchair, Transport Chair & Power Drive Chair Comparison Guide
By now you’re probably well aware of the three main types of portering chairs typically used to manoeuvre patients around a hospital: Wheelchairs, Transport Chairs and Power Drive ...
What type of support surfaces help with pressure injury prevention?
Have you ever wondered what support surfaces are available in today’s market to prevent pressure injuries?
Bunions - Ouch!  12/28/2021
Bunions - Ouch!
A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of your big toe. It occurs when some of the bones in the front part of your foot move out of place. Appropriate footwear ...
Challenges Elderly Have Living Alone
Information on real situations of elderly living alone and how you can help to make their lives better as a family member.
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