Laboratory & Pathology Feature Articles

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Purine rich foods quintuple risk of gout flare-ups
Foods rich in purines, particularly those found in meat and seafood, quintuple the immediate risk of a gout flare-up, according to a research published online in the Annals of the ...
Caesarean section delivery may double risk of childhood obesity
Caesarean section delivery may double the risk of subsequent childhood obesity, according to a research published online in the Archives of Disease in Childhood.
Frequent night shifts linked to breast cancer risk: study
Working night shifts more than twice a week is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, finds a long term study published online in Occupational and Environmental Medicine. ...
Calcium supplements may increase heart attack risk
Calcium supplements might increase the risk of having a heart attack, and should be "taken with caution," according to a research published in the online issue of the journal Heart. ...
Blood clot risks of non-oral contraceptives
A study published on adds to the evidence that certain non-oral hormonal contraceptives (e.g. skin patches, implants and vaginal rings) carry a higher risk of serious blood ...
New way to protect eyes from strong light damage
Treating eyes with gentle infra-red light can help prevent the damage caused by subsequent exposure to bright light, new scientific research has found.
Meditation linked with better health and wellbeing: study
The experience of 'mental silence' is linked with better health outcomes and greater wellbeing according to a University of Sydney study.
New clue to predicting pre-eclampsia
An indication of whether a mother will develop pre-eclampsia, the most common and severe pregnancy-related disease, has been identified by a University of Sydney study.
Drawing test can 'predict' stroke death in older men
A simple drawing test can predict the long-term risk of dying after a first stroke among older men, according to a research published in the online journal BMJ Open.
New tool to help children with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
An international study led by the University of Sydney and published in the Annals of Neurology has the potential to improve the design of clinical trials for the treatment of ...
New hope for asthma sufferers
The Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) is launching a trial to investigate if a rheumatoid arthritis medication could have applications for asthma sufferers.
Insomnia takes toll on tinnitus patients
For the more than 36 million people plagued by tinnitus, insomnia can have a negative effect on the condition, worsening the functional and emotional toll of chronic ringing, buzzing, ...
Gaining weight and regulating fat - liver tells all
Researchers from the University of Melbourne and Austin Health have come one step closer to understanding how our bodies regulate fat and weight gain
Genes identified for fracture susceptibility and osteoporosis risk
The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute's researchers have played a leading role in a recent study into osteoporosis, more than doubling the number of currently known genes ...
How your eyes deceive you...
People rely on their eyes for most things they do – yet the information provided by our visual sensing system is often distorted, unreliable and subject to illusion.
Oral bacteria may be linked to joint replacement failures
The culprit behind a failed hip or knee replacements might be found in the mouth.
Study reveals how anaesthesia causes jet-lag
Researchers from The University of Auckland have discovered why people feel as though they have jet-lag after surgery, and the findings may have implications for post-operative ...
Blood clot risk 'higher' in overweight women
A major study by researchers from the Universities of Otago and Oxford has found that overweight and obese middle-aged women are at much higher risk of developing potentially fatal ...
Saliva test could detect oral cancer
A Michigan State University surgeon is teaming up with a Lansing-area dental benefits firm on a clinical trial to create a simple, cost-effective saliva test to detect oral cancer, ...
Eating berries 'protects' men against Parkinson's disease
Men who eat flavonoid-rich foods such as berries, tea, apples and red wine significantly reduce their risk of developing Parkinson's disease, according to new research by Harvard ...
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