Anaesthesia & Respiratory Care Feature Articles

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Management tips employees would give their bosses
The following tips primarily lead back to the golden rule "treat others as you would like to be treated". As an employer, place yourself in the employee's shoes. How would you like ...
Rural AUS is more vulnerable to the impact of the GFC
Rural Australians are more likely to be negatively impacted by the global financial crisis than those in urban areas, according to a new report.
Differences between a leader and a manager
There should be no differences between a leader and a manager. The two 'titles' should coexist with one another, but often times a manager lacks leadership abilities. In order to be ...
AHHA: Data gaps mask true facts in final hospital report
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has expressed disappointment that the Productivity Commission's final report on public and private hospitals contains some ...
Need for health reforms too important for further delays
AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, has said that the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) had failed to meet widespread expectations that it would reveal some signs of national ...
Jargon in business publications alienates customers
Using business jargon is common amongst colleagues in specific industries, but the acronyms, language and lingo spoken in these circles is typically not so well known outside the ...
Personal patient data improves AUS surgery success
Australian surgeons are leading the world in using a new statistical model that predicts an individual patient's chances of success for a common type of vascular surgery and guides ...
Long road ahead to cut kidney diseases and diabetes
A new report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) shows that while a lot is being done to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes ...
How to successfully build a great management team
A company is not a democracy – it's better. In a democracy, the majority wins. In a good management team, all positive input wins, and all negative input is dismissed. Achieving that ...
AMC poised for Registration and Accreditation Scheme
The Australian Medical Council (AMC) says it is strong, flexible and ready for the introduction of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) in July 2010.
How to deal with unproductive staff
Dealing with an unproductive staff can be a challenge for even the most experienced leader. There could be many reasons that are feeding the productivity problem, and once the issue ...
Health info needs urgent technological injection
The Business Council of Australia has called on the federal government to lead an urgent implementation of the national e-health strategy.
Dangers of listening to the foetal heart at home
An over the counter foetal heart monitor can be a fun purchase for expectant parents eager to hear their unborn child. The authors warn that parents shouldn’t rely on the devices to ...
Good managers form the key to better business
An international survey of Australian manufacturing companies confirms that good managers are the key to successful businesses and highlights where Australian managers need to improve. ...
Working time regulations for trainee doctors
Creating more flexibility around current working is the solution.
Benefitting from innovative IP service opportunities
Darwin-based innovators now have access to a secure intellectual property (IP) lodgement service thanks to a new initiative by Federal Government agency IP Australia and Australia ...
How long does it take to train a surgeon?
Restrictions on the working hours of doctors may be compromising surgical education and patient care. Gretchen Purcell Jackson and John Tarpley argue that greater flexibility is ...
Dementia seen as major disease of this century: report
A report released last month has found that the number of Australians with dementia is expected to quadruple to more than 1.1 million people by 2050, according to Glenn Rees, Chief ...
Screening advances offset Down’s syndrome increase
The number of diagnoses of Down’s syndrome has increased by almost three quarters (71%) from 1989/90 to 2007/08, largely due to the considerable increase in the number of older ...
Hospitals need to spend money to save money: study
Hospitals will save health care resources worth up to $333 per patient if they adopt an intervention aimed at reducing the risk of emergency re-admissions among elderly Australians, ...
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