Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery Feature Articles

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Salt content in food causing serious illnesses
The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) has thrown its support behind a new report that recommends targets for salt levels in common food products.
Diabetes drug link to heart problems
A new study published on adds to mounting evidence that rosiglitazone - a drug used to treat type 2 diabetes - is associated with an increased risk of major heart problems.
Depression may increase the risk of kidney failure
Depression is associated with an increased risk of developing kidney failure in the future, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American ...
Any attempt at CPR is better than none at all
Revised national resuscitation guidelines highlight the need to get help as soon as possible, perform compressions before ventilations and give quality cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. ...
High levels of "good" cholesterol may cut bowel cancer risk
High levels of “good” (high density lipoprotein) HDL cholesterol seem to cut the risk of bowel cancer, suggests research published online in Gut.
Managing pain when you take other medicines
NPS MedicineWise is encouraging people with chronic conditions to speak with their doctor, pharmacist or health professional before taking over-the-counter medicines as part of a ...
Get heart healthy pack Omega-3 into your diet
The Omega-3 Centre has called on consumers to get heart healthy by eating more essential "good fats" such as fish or Omega-3 supplements.
Bowel disease more than doubles blood clot risk
Inflammatory bowel disease more than doubles the risk of a potentially fatal blood clot in the legs or lungs (VTE), reveals research published online in the journal Gut.
Obesity is a killer in its own right
Obesity is a killer in its own right, irrespective of other biological or social risk factors traditionally associated with coronary heart disease, suggests research published online ...
The key to cardiac arrests
Australian researchers have come one step closer to understanding how the rhythm of the heartbeat is controlled and why many common drugs, including some antibiotics, antihistamines ...
Mammograms can also help assess heart risk
Routine mammograms performed for breast cancer screening could serve another purpose as well: detecting calcifications in the blood vessels of patients with advanced kidney disease, ...
Painkillers linked to an increased risk of heart problems
Commonly used painkillers for treating inflammation can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes, .
Doctors don’t need to fear red heads
A study in the BMJ’s Christmas issue published on confirms that there is no need for doctors to fear red heads.
Recurrent miscarriage raises heart attack risk fivefold
Recurrent miscarriage increases a woman’s chance of having a heart attack fivefold in later life, indicates research published online in the journal Heart.
Blood affects stem cell growth
A new study by researchers at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute has shown that mature blood cells can communicate with, and influence the behaviour of, their stem cell ‘parents’.
New controls of blood pressure
Melbourne scientists have made a major breakthrough in treating high blood pressure.
The most important meal
The saying is true: breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.
B-Vitamins kick depression
People who have suffered a stroke and who regularly take vitamins are less likely to develop depression, according to a study led by The University of Western Australia.
Genes determines heart health
A gene network behind hardening of the arteries and coronary heart disease has been identified by a team of scientists from Australia, Europe and the United Kingdom. Their findings ...
Oxygen therapy ineffective
While millions of patients with advanced disease are given oxygen therapy to help them breathe more easily, an international study led by Flinders University's Professor David Currow ...
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