Paediatrics & Neonatology Feature Articles

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Complementary medicines can be dangerous for children
Complementary medicines (CAM) can be dangerous for children and can even prove fatal, if substituted for conventional medicine, indicates an audit of kids’ CAM treatment published ...
Pregnant mums' mobile usage can cause behavioural problems in kids
Pregnant mums who regularly use mobile phones may be more likely to have kids with behavioural problems, particularly if those children start using mobile phones early themselves, ...
Common antiepileptic drug linked to spina bifida in infants
Women who suffer from epilepsy and take a common drug (carbamazepine) to treat the illness have a higher chance of having an infant with spina bifida compared with women not taking ...
Paracetamol risks asthma
Links between early paracetamol use and the development of allergies and asthma in five and six year old children have been confirmed by health researchers at the University of Otago, ...
A high BMI in childhood linked to heart disease risk in adolescence
Children who have a high body mass index (BMI) between 9 and 12 years of age are more likely to have high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood insulin levels (all risk factors for ...
Autism treatments need proof
One of the country's leading education specialists in the treatment of autism says many current treatments are unproven, and may actually be harming children.
Pacific boys need more zinc
Pacific Island schoolchildren in New Zealand are at a higher risk of zinc deficiency than children of other ethnicities, according to latest University of Otago research.
IVF selects healthiest embryos
The study conducted by the University of Melbourne and Repromed will be presented at the Fertility Society of Australia annual scientific meeting at the Adelaide Convention Centre ...
Your parents bullied mine too
Just telling bullies that they shouldn't bully is not enough, says Associate Professor Marilyn Campbell from Queensland University of Technology's (QUT) Faculty of Education.
Baby steps to new blood tests
The new test could soon lead to cheaper pharmaceutical drugs and make blood collection less stressful for humans and animals.
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