Gynaecology & Obstetrics Feature Articles

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One in five breast cancers linked to alcohol
New Cancer Council analysis published in the Medical Journal of Australia shows the level of cancer incidence caused by alcohol in Australia is higher than previously thought, with ...
Clot risks of oral contraceptive pills
Two studies published on today add to emerging evidence that certain types of oral contraceptive pill carry a higher risk of serious blood clots (known as venous thromboembolism). ...
The link between calcium supplements and heart problems
New research published on adds to mounting evidence that calcium supplements increase the risk of cardiovascular events, particularly heart attacks, in older women.
Illusion can halve the pain of osteoarthritis
A serendipitous discovery by academics at The University of Nottingham has shown that a simple illusion can significantly reduce — and in some cases even temporarily eradicate — ...
Strawberries may slow esophageal precancerous growth
Freeze-dried strawberries may be an alternative to drugs for the prevention of esophageal cancer, according to research presented at the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011.
Soy isoflavones not a risk for breast cancer survivors
Soy food consumption did not increase the risk of cancer recurrence or death among survivors of breast cancer, according to the results of a study presented at the AACR 102nd Annual ...
Popular diets: Do they prevent cancer?
Not all diet plans help reduce a person’s chances of developing cancer, say experts at The University of MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Regular retail therapy prolongs life
A spot of regular retail therapy really does seem to help people live longer, suggests research published online in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
Stroke risks fade when women stop estrogen pills
Strokes and other health problems linked with estrogen pills appear to fade when women stop taking them after menopause, the first long-term follow-up of a landmark study has found. ...
One in three women go through post-coital blues
A third of all women have experienced post-sex blues at some point, a new study shows, but researchers still don't understand why.
New perspectives on cancer & the immune system
Three CRI scientists describe immunity’s paradoxical role in the promotion and control of cancer.
No room for complacency with HIV
People with HIV may be living longer thanks to effective drug treatments but an unintended consequence could be a false sense of confidence that the disease has been beaten.
Cancer drug found hiding in sunflower seed protein
UQ scientists have found sunflower proteins and their processing machinery are hijacked to make rogue protein rings in a discovery that could open the door to cheaper, plant-based ...
Cervical cancer vaccine causing confusion
The public 'recruitment' campaign promoting the new cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil has done little to educate adolescent girls about the cause of the cancer, University of Sydney ...
The risks of passive smoking on pregnant women
Pregnant non-smokers who breathe in the second-hand smoke of other people are at an increased risk of delivering stillborn babies or babies with defects, a study led by researchers ...
Overcoming breast cancer resistance to Herceptin
Breast cancer tumors take numerous paths to resist the targeted drug Herceptin, but a single roadblock at a crucial crossroads may restore a tumor's vulnerability to treatment, ...
Beating the 'menopause taboo' in the workplace
A study by The University of Nottingham found that the menopause is still treated as a ‘taboo’ subject in many workplaces — and much more needs to be done to help women cope with ...
Acupuncture curbs severity of menopausal hot flushes
Traditional Chinese acupuncture curbs the severity of hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms, suggests a small study published today in Acupuncture in Medicine.
Obesity may increase risk of triple-negative breast cancer
New findings published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, confirm the risk of breast cancer among women who ...
Breast cancer survivors need regular checks
The results of a cohort study of women with a personal history of breast cancer published in this week's Journal of American Medical Association highlights the need for mammograms ...
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