Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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Global toolkit 'should fill void' for menopause management
A free and simple toolkit for GPs could revolutionise menopause diagnosis and treatment.
Scientists 'a step closer' to printing transplantable tissues
Researchers have made a giant leap towards the goal of 'bio-printing' transplantable tissues and organs for people affected by major diseases and trauma injuries, a new study reports. ...
Egypt's army says 'AIDS detector' needs more tests
Egypt's military said that devices it claimed it invented to detect and cure AIDS and hepatitis C need six more months of testing.
Portable hi-tech alternative 'could' replace stethoscope
Forty years ago, advancing from my second year into my third year of medical school, I, like the other 99 students in my class, was awarded a Littmann stethoscope, the most recognisable ...
"Very difficult" commonwealth policy affected NSW budget
The Mike Baird-led Liberal government has left NSW patients high and dry by ignoring the need for increased basic funding to hospitals in its pre-election budget, Opposition Leader ...
Remineralise tech 'encourages' decayed teeth to self-repair
Dentists could soon be giving your teeth a mild 'time warp' to encourage them to self-repair, thanks to a new device being developed by dental researchers.
'Jetlag' patch may prevent brain damage in newborns
A simple and affordable 'jetlag' skin patch could help prevent deaths and disabilities of two million babies worldwide each year by reducing brain damage caused by low oxygen during ...
Navigating the body with micro-robotics
An ultrasonic micromotor developed by Australian researchers can fit through small brain arteries, allowing doctors to steer an attached catheter to the site of a stroke.
Biomedical imaging: 'transforming' modern medicine
Biomedical imaging is transforming modern medicine with its movie-like computer graphics and large data sets playing a central role in the revolution, according to University of ...
Review your business systems, prepare for successful financial year
As the End of Financial Year approaches, The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is encouraging businesses to review their existing systems and processes to prepare for a successful ...
COAG health system improvements 'threatened' by Budget measures
There are some notable health system improvements detailed in COAG Reform Council Healthcare Performance Report, however these could be reversed as a result of the government's latest ...
GP co-payments: readers have their say
It has been nearly a month since the federal government delivered the 2014 Federal Budget.
Govt to inject $52m into palliative care services and training
The Australian government will provide $52 million over three years to improve palliative care services and training, the Assistant Minister for Health, Fiona Nash, has announced.
Laser imaging system 'could' revolutionise skin cancer diagnosis
A revolutionary technology that has the potential to improve the detection and diagnosis of this disease has been developed by researchers based in Queensland.
Diabetes, doctor & medicine co-payments: a 'major' budget concern
The 1.7 million Australians with diabetes potentially face a dramatic increase in their healthcare costs as a result of changes announced in the 2014 federal budget.
Medibank sale proceeds 'ideal' for research fund
Proceeds from the sale of Medibank Private should go to the proposed Medical Research Future Fund rather than co-payments from sick people, the Consumers Health Forum (CHF) have said ...
Health minister 'let down' by colleagues on co-payment sell
The proposed GP co-payment scheme is a practical measure necessary for the long-term sustainability of Medicare however Health Minister Peter Dutton has been "let down" by colleagues ...
Budget funding for dental product regulatory harmonisation welcomed
Commitments made in the federal budget to continue support for therapeutic product regulatory harmonisation between Australia and NZ have been welcomed by the Australian Dental ...
"Fabulous time" to be a medical researcher
The federal government's investment in medical research through its $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund would secure a healthier future for Australians, according to the director ...
Fed budget cancer screening commitment welcomed by CCA
At least 35,000 Australian bowel cancer deaths will be prevented thanks to a $95.9 million, four-year plan to finalise Australia's National Bowel Cancer Screening Program in the ...
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