Surgical Tools & Supplies Feature Articles

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New partnership and era starts in health and hospital reform
In the 2009-10 Budget, the Rudd Government is delivering a record $64 billion boost to health and hospital funding to drive vital reform in the nation’s health and hospital system.
AMA says importance of health must be reflected in the budget
The AMA has urged government to ensure the importance Australians place on health is reflected in the budget process.
$100 mln for Lifehouse at RPA - the new Sydney cancer centre
The Rudd Government has announced a further $100 million for the new Lifehouse at RPA cancer care, research and education facility at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney.
$5 million to be allocated for nanotech healthcare research
The projects are funded through the council's ‘Nanoscience through Engineering to Application' programme, which supports research that aims to develop nanotechnologies for the targeted ...
Fall in CVD death rate leads to huge savings of Aust lives
Deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD) have been declining since the late 1960s, resulting in a substantial saving of lives, and in the extension ...
Research to bring brain-saving stroke treatment to rural areas
Minister for Science and Medical Research Jodi McKay will launch an Australian first research trial, which aims to deliver brain-saving stroke treatment to rural communities.
Nanoscopic probes able to track down and attack cancer cells
Joseph Irudayaraj, a Purdue University associate professor of agricultural and biological engineering, developed the nanoscale, multifunctional probes, which have antibodies on board, ...
No short term solutions to closing the gap on Indigenous health
The AMA welcomes the commitment the Rudd Government has shown over the past 12 months to closing the Indigenous health gap.
Reform Alliance has responded to Health Commission report
The Australian Health Care Reform Alliance (AHCRA) has welcomed the interim report from the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission this week.
AHHA claims health issues ignored in stimulus package
By ignoring the health sector in the recent stimulus package the Federal Government has missed the opportunity to support one of the most important areas of the Australian economy, ...
Nursing occupational award decision is praised by ANF
A strong campaign by the Australian Nursing Federation, supported by the ACTU, to retain nursing as an occupational award has been vindicated by the decision of the Australian ...
New $12 Million rural health construction and equipment boost
The Minister for Health and Ageing, Nicola Roxon, has announced $12 million to be invested in rural and regional health infrastructure under the Government’s new National Rural and ...
Aust technology used to improve health record keeping
CSIRO is helping to address an issue vexing the health system worldwide – the need for quality, accurate information in electronic health records.
Number of public sector medical indemnity claims on the decline
The fifth annual report on public sector medical indemnity claims, released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, shows the number of new public sector medical indemnity ...
Govt provides $5.6 mln for new initiatives into cancer research
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has announced $5.6 million in funding for new research and clinical trial initiatives to reduce the impact of cancer on all Australians.
Gold Coast residents to benefit from a new operating theatre
Health Minister Stephen Robertson has visited the Gold Coast Hospital's new $14.5 million day surgery centre which is on track to be opened on January 19.
Commitment to Northern Territory Aged and Community Care
The Rudd Labor Government is committed to the long-term viability of the Northern Territory’s aged care sector and the protection of the Territory’s frail and elderly.
Independent audit conducted into hospital triage times
NSW Health has released an independent report into triage indicators used within Emergency Departments at the state's public hospitals, which confirms the commitment of clinical ...
Health equality for Indigenous Aussies is another step closer
The Close The Gap coalition has congratulated the Council of Australian Governments on taking substantial steps towards making health equality for Indigenous Australians a reality.
New diagnostic technique helps with Cardiovascular Disease
A study has discovered a novel diagnostic testing technique that provides direct, accurate and reproducible physical measurement of both the size and concentration of a broad range ...
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