Gynaecology & Obstetrics Feature Articles

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Using x-rays during pregnancy & infancy
Clinicians should be careful about using x-rays on pregnant women and infants because of the potential for a slight increase in the risk of children developing cancer, concludes a ...
‘Fat’ kids from diabetic mums
Children born of mums with gestational diabetes will tend to become fat, say Sydney scientists, and the worse mum’s sugar levels during pregnancy, the fatter they will be.
Marriage is good for physical and mental health
The ‘smug marrieds’ may have good reason to feel pleased with themselves as experts confirm that long-term committed relationships are good for mental and physical health and this ...
Poorer health for the abused
Women subjected to both physical and sexual violence by their partner are much more likely to experience mental health and/or substance use issues, according to a study at The ...
Age-specific cancer prevention tips for women
"A woman’s life changes at every decade and so does her body," says Therese Bevers, M.D., medical director of MD Anderson’s Cancer Prevention Center.
Mammograms can also help assess heart risk
Routine mammograms performed for breast cancer screening could serve another purpose as well: detecting calcifications in the blood vessels of patients with advanced kidney disease, ...
Estrogen may help precancerous cells spread in oral cavity
Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common type of cancer and is on the rise in some demographic groups, including young women without any known risk factors.
Folate levels linked to silenced tumor-suppressors
People with higher levels of folate in their red blood cells were more likely to have two tumor-suppressing genes shut down by methylation, a chemical off switch for genes, researchers ...
Pregnant mums' mobile usage can cause behavioural problems in kids
Pregnant mums who regularly use mobile phones may be more likely to have kids with behavioural problems, particularly if those children start using mobile phones early themselves, ...
Common antiepileptic drug linked to spina bifida in infants
Women who suffer from epilepsy and take a common drug (carbamazepine) to treat the illness have a higher chance of having an infant with spina bifida compared with women not taking ...
Recurrent miscarriage raises heart attack risk fivefold
Recurrent miscarriage increases a woman’s chance of having a heart attack fivefold in later life, indicates research published online in the journal Heart.
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