Medical Devices & Products Feature Articles

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Dental care funding a top priority: health groups
A group of eight national health organisations have reiterated their support for continued investment in improved dental health, particularly for children and those who rely on public ...
Brain stimulation used to treat debilitating balance disorder
It is not uncommon to take a little time to find your land legs after being on a boat, with the sensation of being off balance or still rocking with the waves lasting for minutes, ...
Fingerprinting herbal medicine
Details on how to fingerprint herbs, isolate and identify herb potency or connect massive clinical datasets are among the topics of a new reference tool released by University of ...
Mammogram study questioning mortality benefit 'not relevant to Aust'
The weight of scientific evidence shows mammographic screening for breast cancer is a lifesaving public health intervention irrespective of a new Canadian study that questions ...
Laser 'could' make disease diagnosis just a breath away
University of Adelaide physics researchers have developed a new type of laser that will enable exciting new advances in areas as diverse as breath analysis for disease diagnosis and ...
Not paying tax a dangerous game for small businesses
The recent report that the ATO is chasing a back-log of $18 billion in debt, with small business tax payers accounting for more than 60 per cent of outstanding debt, should ring ...
Tax tips for Australian businesses
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a new campaign to help Australian businesses meet their tax obligations.
Improving health and budget 'not necessarily mutually exclusive'
The long term sustainability of Australia's Medicare system is a pressing problem, but health minister Peter Dutton is right to avoid making any hasty decisions about reforming it, ...
'Nano-spies' make light work of disease detection
A world of cloak-and-dagger pharmaceuticals has come a step closer with the development of stealth compounds programmed to spring into action when they receive the signal.
Is silk the right road for eczema treatment?
Three hundred children are being recruited for a clinical trial to establish whether or not specialist silk clothing really does help in the treatment of eczema.
Smartphone app tackles breast cancer
A student from Australian National University has developed a smartphone app for the early detection of breast cancer.
Anti-snore pillow holds promise for back sleepers
Sleep researchers from Flinders University and the Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health are road-testing a new pillow that could help alleviate snoring for back sleepers.
Govt's medical expenses tax plan 'will hit Australians hard'
The federal government's plans to scrap the net medical expenses tax offset (NMETO) is a "short-sighted" budgetary measure that will hit taxpayers with large health bills hard, ...
Sweet water 'can calm' babies during immunisation
According to pain management specialist Professor Denise Harrison, an Honorary Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne, breastfeeding and the use of sweet water can help to calm ...
Multiple sclerosis severity determined by simple eye test
As you step outdoors into the bright sunshine, your pupils automatically contract.
'Bio pen' aims to rewrite orthopaedic implants surgery
A handheld "bio pen" developed in the labs of the University of Wollongong will allow surgeons to repair damaged and diseased bone material by delivering live cells and growth factors ...
New medical imaging technology aids oncologists: research
Images of cancer cells buried deep in lung tissue have been used by biomedical engineers at the University of Sydney to help develop new technologies that will assist oncologists ...
Whole body vibration therapy 'may reduce' skeletal degeneration
Whole body vibration therapy (WBV) is the kind of buzz-treatment that causes exercise scientists to raise a sceptical eyebrow.
Black silicon shows antibacterial power
Learning from nature, researchers at Swinburne University of Technology have revealed the bacterial killing potential of black silicon, leading the way for the development of a new ...
Report seeks to extend prescribing powers for nurses
A new report recommending an extension of nurses' scope of practice to diagnose and prescribe medication will lead to optimal health outcomes for patients across the national health ...
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