Laboratory & Pathology Feature Articles

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Missing trial data threatens the integrity of medicine
Missing clinical trial data can harm patients and lead to futile costs to health systems, warn experts on recently, as part of an in-depth BMJ review of the matter.
Genes that predict the speed of Parkinson’s disease identified
Two genes related to protein accumulation in the brains of people with Parkinson's disease can indicate how quickly the disease will progress in an individual, say NeuRA researchers. ...
Gene therapy helps hemophilia B patients
NIH-funded experimental treatment enhances body's ability to produce key clotting factor.
No benefit for liberal blood transfusion after hip surgery: study
A liberal strategy for providing red blood cell transfusions following hip-fracture surgery to patients at risk for cardiovascular disease neither lowered their post-surgical risk ...
New sugar to treat type-1 diabetes
Researchers from The Australian National University have discovered a new treatment for type-1 diabetes – an autoimmune disease which currently affects some 130,000 Australians.
New ink formulation enables nerve cell regeneration
Researchers at the University of Wollongong’s have developed a new ink formulation that can be used to print surfaces that enable nerve cell regeneration.
High bodily levels of nickel and selenium lower pancreatic cancer risk
High bodily levels of the trace elements nickel and selenium may lower the risk of developing the most common type of pancreatic cancer, finds research published online in Gut.
Endometriosis in women linked to inflammatory bowel disease risk
Women with endometriosis are up to twice as likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease as those without this reproductive disorder, suggests a large study published online in Gut. ...
Affordable treatments for sufferers of autoimmune diseases
From Addison’s disease to Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s disease to Multiple Sclerosis — the list of crippling autoimmune diseases is long and they affect millions of people world-wide. ...
Simple test to help diagnose bowel and pancreatic cancer
A simple online calculator could offer family GPs a powerful new tool in tackling two of the most deadly forms of cancer, say researchers.
Research finds clue to cancer cell survival
Protein and cell biology research at The University of Western Australia has contributed to a ground-breaking international study that demonstrates a way to alter the survival of ...
Wound healing genomes in blood identified
QIMR researchers, as part of an international study led by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute UK, have identified 68 regions in the genome that affect blood platelet formation, ...
Stem cell discovery could help mend hearts
Researchers have discovered a new population of adult stem cells in the heart, which could augment the development of new regeneration and repair therapies for people who have suffered ...
Bacteria converts wastewater drugs into toxic form
While traces of pharmaceutical compounds are commonly present in wastewater, interactions with bacteria during the treatment process could transform them from non-toxic to toxic ...
Are there too many women in medicine?
In the UK, women doctors are set to outnumber their male counterparts by 2017.
Mouse study explains bacterium’s unique role in periodontitis
Sherlock Holmes had his villain Moriarty; periodontists have an unusual bacterium called Porphyromonas gingivalis.
Four new leads identified for anti-cancer drugs
Four new anti-cancer drug leads have been identified in a research paper published online this week in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry.
Natural killers help fight human disease
Researchers from The Australian National University have discovered a new type of cell which boosts the human body’s ability to fight off infections and life-threatening diseases.
The silent killer: casting the spotlight on ovarian cancer
Mystery and a lack of understanding surrounds ovarian cancer, but a team from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) will soon commence a study to better understand this ...
Malaria research breakthrough looks to body’s immune cells
Groundbreaking research from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research is set to pave the way for the development of new malaria drugs and vaccines.
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