Surgical Tools & Supplies Feature Articles

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WEHI scientists receive funding to support research projects
In the recently announced round of NHMC funding, fifteen WEHI scientists achieved notable success.
BreastScreen WA celebrates reaching 1 mln mammograms
BreastScreen WA is celebrating the success of its breast-screening program reaching one million screening mammograms.
International Consortium announces 1000 Genomes Project
Major sequencing effort will produce most detailed map of human genetic variation to support disease studies.
NSW health system performing above national average
The NSW public health system continues to perform at or above the national average for almost every performance indicator, according to the Auditor-General's Report to Parliament ...
New surgical education and training program approved
After a comprehensive assessment of the College’s plans, the Australian Medical Council (AMC) has approved the new Surgical Education and Training (SET) program of the Royal Australasian ...
Declining GP supply is a major concern for Aust hospitals
AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, has said that figures showing an increase in the number of doctors practising in Australia also reveal a disturbing decline in the supply of ...
Plans for improving access to quality health care for all Aussies
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has launched its Election Manifesto 2007 and First 100 Day Plan, which outlines practical strategies to improve access to ...
It is about time for both fed and state govts to "fix health" :AMA
AMA (WA) says Federal Labor's election victory should put an end to the blame game between the State and Commonwealth and enable both governments to set about solving the major ...
NSW emergency depts set to receive more doctors
Emergency departments across NSW will receive an additional 35 specialist doctors as part of a staffing package announced by NSW Minister for Health, Reba Meagher.
Transport and falls cause most bad spinal cord injuries
Transport-related injuries and falls accounted for over three-quarters of all cases of traumatic spinal cord injury in Australia in 2005-06, according to a new report by the Australian ...
Aust Healthcare Hospitals Association welcome new minister
The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) has welcomed the appointment of Nicola Roxon as Health Minister in the new Rudd Government.
Aust health innovators look to Medica for export success
Austrade, the Australian Government’s export development agency, will help our most innovative medical exporters showcase their products to buyers from more than 60 countries at ...
HECS scheme fails to attract young drs to country practice
A Government Scheme to attract young doctors to work in rural areas has failed to realise its potential, with less than half the funds allocated to the HECS Reimbursement Scheme ...
Public hospitals have solutions for health system problems
Public hospitals have the solutions to the problems facing the hospital system and with support and political leadership can ensure that our hospital system is well equipped to meet ...
Tas boosted by funding of a number of new health initiatives
"I am pleased to announce that the Australian Government will fund a number of measures to improve key elements of Tasmania's health services infrastructure, totalling $35 million ...
Report reveals growth in health expenditure slowing down
According to a new report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Health expenditure Australia 2005-2006, growth in health expenditure is slowing.
National registration must put patient care before red tape
The AMA welcomes the Government’s decision not to sign the Inter-Government Agreement (IGA) on national registration and accreditation, and instead to send it back to the States and ...
Breast cancer survival is high with early detection -study
Survival from breast cancer is very high in women whose cancer has been diagnosed at an early stage, according to a new report released by the Australian Institute of Health and ...
Using human embryonic stem cells to grow cartilage
Rice University biomedical engineers have developed a new technique for growing cartilage from human embryonic stem cells, a method that could be used to grow replacement cartilage ...
Support for doctors and health professionals in NT
The Australian Government has committed a further $100 million for more doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and specialist services as part of the Northern Territory Emergency ...
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