Surgical Tools & Supplies Feature Articles

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Education, training must be key priority in GP super clinics
The Australian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) is pleased to see the Australian Labor Party’s acknowledgement of General Practice as the frontline of the Australian healthcare ...
Aust scientists discover new medical visualisation method
John Brumby, has announced that scientists from WEHI have now visualised how a “molecular switch” that regulates the life span of normal cells and cancer cells can be flipped.
Report highlights cancer diagnosis, mortality across NSW
Men in regional NSW have a higher than average chance of being diagnosed with largely preventable cancers, including those of the head, neck, lung and oesophagus, and in some areas ...
Institute of Obesity, Nutrition and Exercise launched
The University has announced the formation of a new high level research centre, which will tackle the obesity epidemic with an unprecedented expert collaborative group based in Sydney. ...
Clever Networks funding for health care in remote QLD
The Minister for Communications, Information Technology and Arts, Senator the Hon Helen Coonan has announced funding of $5 million to provide high-capacity broadband services to ...
Nanocomposite can be used to destroy cancerous tumours
Iron/iron oxide nanocomposite particles could be used to heat tumours and destroy them say scientists in the US.
$36 million given to Australian medical researchers
The Commonwealth Government’s $36 million Australia Fellowships, through the National Health and Medical Research Council, have been awarded to researchers in cancer, infectious ...
Gene mutation that causes heart malformations in children
In breakthrough research, scientists from NSW have identified abnormalities (mutations) in a cardiac gene, TBX20, which are responsible for heart malformations in children.
Cancer Council lauds preventative healthcare commitment
The Cancer Council Australia has welcomed the Federal Opposition's plan for a new national preventative healthcare strategy aimed at reducing the impact of chronic disease in Australia. ...
New predictive tool created specifically for heart failure
Melbourne based biotechnology company HD Medical Group Limited is moving rapidly towards international application of its world first, non-invasive heart failure prediction device, ...
Cancer rates found much higher in rural and remote areas
In rural and remote areas of Australia, lifestyle factors like excessive sun exposure, higher smoking rates and a tendency to postpone visits to the doctor, are driving up cancer ...
Discovery of mechanism for killing cells that are stressed
One of the essential functions of cells is the manufacture of proteins, which are important in determining the structure, function and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.
Psychological needs of prostate cancer patients overlooked
Men with prostate cancer feel that they are not getting enough support to address their sexual and psychological needs after diagnosis or treatment, according to a new study by The ...
New drug delivery method - nanoparticles ride on red cells
Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara have discovered that attaching polymeric nanoparticles to the surface of red blood cells dramatically increases the in vivo ...
Obese Australian operated in India for lap band surgery
India continues to draw American patients for affordable obesity surgery. Recently a patient Abigail from Sydney underwent a lap band by Forerunners Healthcare Consultants.
Monash University scientists unveil immune system working
Monash and Melbourne University scientists have helped unlock a 15-year mystery and advanced understanding of how the human immune system fights disease.
Ethical guidelines released on organ and tissue donation
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has publicly released the National Ethical Guidelines on Organ and Tissue Donation.
Nanomedicine opens way towards nerve cell regeneration
The ability to regenerate nerve cells in the body could reduce the effects of trauma and disease in a dramatic way.
People with MS spend over 20% of income on healthcare
The cost of living with MS or similar conditions is high, and in some cases is an overwhelming burden.
New major discovery raises prospect of better patient care
Scientists at WEHI (The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) have made a discovery with potentially profound implications for the care of patients, especially those ...
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