Accident & Emergency Care Feature Articles

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Busy winter admissions encourage cold and flu prevention
It is not just people’s perceptions that this year has been particularly bad for colds and flu. It has been the busiest year for hospital admissions, including to intensive care, ...
Blood clot risk 'higher' in overweight women
A major study by researchers from the Universities of Otago and Oxford has found that overweight and obese middle-aged women are at much higher risk of developing potentially fatal ...
Can a common stomach bug eradication make aspirin safer?
Researchers have launched a major clinical trial to investigate whether eliminating a common stomach bug could help to make taking aspirin safer in some patients.
Inter-arm difference in blood pressure indicates survival
Patients suffering from high blood pressure who have different blood pressure (BP) readings in each arm are at a reduced chance of survival over 10 years, according to a study ...
Stem cell-seeded cardiopatch could heal damaged hearts
A new type of stem cell-seeded patch has shown promising results in promoting healing after a heart attack, according to a study published in the journal STEM CELLS Translational ...
Children’s brain injuries do not get worst over time: study
Children's development after a brain injury does not get worse over time, a Murdoch Childrens Research Institute study has found.
Two or more prescription meds doubles fall rate at home
Taking two or more prescription drugs at any one time seems to double the unintentional fall rate at home for the young and middle aged, similar to the effect seen in elderly people. ...
No benefit for liberal blood transfusion after hip surgery: study
A liberal strategy for providing red blood cell transfusions following hip-fracture surgery to patients at risk for cardiovascular disease neither lowered their post-surgical risk ...
Sleep disorders affecting cops
In a landmark study, more than 40 per cent of police officers screened positive for a sleep disorder, contributing to outcomes such as falling asleep while driving, uncontrolled ...
Wound healing genomes in blood identified
QIMR researchers, as part of an international study led by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute UK, have identified 68 regions in the genome that affect blood platelet formation, ...
Stem cell discovery could help mend hearts
Researchers have discovered a new population of adult stem cells in the heart, which could augment the development of new regeneration and repair therapies for people who have suffered ...
Are there too many women in medicine?
In the UK, women doctors are set to outnumber their male counterparts by 2017.
Malaria research breakthrough looks to body’s immune cells
Groundbreaking research from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research is set to pave the way for the development of new malaria drugs and vaccines.
How much does trauma cost?
A study that has changed the way specialist trauma hospitals function such as St George, Royal Prince Alfred and the Royal North Shore has won Sydney Nursing School’s Clinical ...
'Silver bullets' to disinfect implants and medical devices
Infections are winning the health war in Australian hospitals, but researchers may have found a "silver bullet’’ in the shape of specially designed protective surfaces for implants ...
Mini-strokes signal health warning
Patients who suffer stroke-like attacks can have mortality rates 20 per cent higher than the general population, new research finds, leading to calls for better stroke prevention ...
Sunglasses not a priority for Australian drivers: optometrists
Safety is taking a back seat for Australian drivers, with more than 60 per cent of people risking accidents by driving without sunglasses on glary days according to a new national ...
GP receptionists help safeguard patients in repeat prescribing
Receptionists and administrative staff in UK general practices make important ‘hidden’ contributions to repeat prescribing, concludes a study published on
Problem-solving therapy may reduce attempted suicides
Problem-solving therapy may help people who attempt suicide or self-harm according to a study by University of Auckland researchers published in the British Journal of Psychiatry ...
Review of stroke treatment could save lives
Doctors are underutilising crucial medication to prevent deadly strokes in those with a common type of heart condition, new research says, leading to fresh calls for a review of ...
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