Diagnostic Instruments & Medical Imaging Feature Articles

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Mammograms can also help assess heart risk
Routine mammograms performed for breast cancer screening could serve another purpose as well: detecting calcifications in the blood vessels of patients with advanced kidney disease, ...
Scientists bring cancer cells back under control
Scientists at The University of Nottingham have brought cancer cells back under normal control — by reactivating their cancer suppressor genes.
Immune system may impact tumor blood supply
Scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute may have uncovered a mechanism for blocking tumour angiogenesis that involves the patient’s immune system, according to findings ...
Protein affects breast cancer severity
A nationwide team of researchers, led by Dr Clare Fedele and Prof Christina Mitchell at Monash University, has made a significant discovery in breast cancer research that identifies ...
Genes for lung diseases
As part of an international study that looked at the genotyping of more than 32,000 people - 4,350 of them from the Busselton area - researchers at The University of Western Australia ...
New controls of blood pressure
Melbourne scientists have made a major breakthrough in treating high blood pressure.
Brain-shrink causes overeating
Researchers have discovered why some people with dementia are compelled to massively overeat, opening the way for better diagnosis and the development of new treatments for the ...
Alzheimers starts in middle age
The neurological decline that leads to Alzheimers disease may begin in middle-age and can be predicted with a simple-to-administer test, according to new research from The Australian ...
Sexual abuse risks psychosis
A team of Monash University researchers has released the findings of a study, which indicates child sexual abuse may be a trigger for the onset of psychotic illness later in life.
Finding the alcoholic genes
Christchurch researchers are examining the role of genes in two of New Zealand's most common mental illnesses – depression and alcohol addiction.
B-Vitamins kick depression
People who have suffered a stroke and who regularly take vitamins are less likely to develop depression, according to a study led by The University of Western Australia.
Pacific boys need more zinc
Pacific Island schoolchildren in New Zealand are at a higher risk of zinc deficiency than children of other ethnicities, according to latest University of Otago research.
New stem cell line for diabetes
Australian researchers have developed the country's first diabetes specific stem cell line, a major advance for patients suffering from the chronic disease.
Vitamin E for prostate cancer
Survival rates of the world's most common cancer might soon be increased with a new vitamin E treatment which could significantly reduce tumour regrowth.
Promotions influence doctors
Promotional tactics by pharmaceutical companies can influence some doctors and may harm their prescribing according to an international team of researchers led by The University of ...
Immunity's quality control
An Australian team of scientists has uncovered a quality control mechanism that must take place for our immune system to subsequently effectively destroy harmful viruses and bacteria. ...
New hope for sunburned eyes
People whose vision is badly damaged by over-exposure to bright light may be able to restore their sight, scientists say.
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
Infection links to schizophrenia
A breakdown in communication between brain regions that is suspected to lie behind symptoms of schizophrenia can be triggered by a maternal immune reaction to infection, latest ...
'Fog' helps fight weight gain
The Friends of GATA may sound like a social support group but a new study reveals that they are a very different kind of support act – they are proteins that play a previously unknown ...
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