Aged Care & Disability Feature Articles

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Study shines new light on menopause symptoms
New University of Queensland research reveals menopausal women who gain weight, smoke and consume alcohol at risky levels face an increased risk of experiencing night sweats and hot ...
Overnight lenses restore up-close vision
Wearing specially designed rigid contact lenses overnight that reshape the eye could remove the need for reading glasses in middle age, a UNSW study shows.
Research investigates Parkinson's, blood pressure link
University of Adelaide researchers are hoping to better understand why some sufferers of Parkinson's disease experience a marked reduction in blood pressure after they've eaten a ...
Australian bush food may halt ageing process
The native Davidson’s plum has been a staple of the indigenous diet in the rainforests of Queensland and northern NSW for thousands of years.
Research looks at the benefits of meditation for carers
Understanding if regular meditation can relieve the burden of stress on people caring for dementia sufferers is the focus of a new study being led by the University of South Australia. ...
Glaucoma research clears the way for sufferers
It's an eye disease that can affect anyone and it's responsible for taking the sight of millions of people worldwide every year.
On the path to better bone health
As Australia’s population ages, degenerative bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis will take an increasing toll on the nation’s healthcare system.
Forever young: anti-ageing drug breakthrough
Drugs that combat ageing may be available within five years, following landmark work led by an Australian researcher.
New hope for early diagnosis, treatment of Parkinson’s
Flinders University researchers have discovered that a protein in the brain may play a role in the development of Parkinson’s disease – a common degenerative neurological disorder ...
MRI could be effective Alzheimer's detection tool
Scientists can now detect early features of Alzheimer's disease using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.
New e-learning course champions patient safety
A new learning course pioneered by two University of South Australia lecturers is aimed at raising the standard of handover of patient care in hospital and care facilities across ...
Human memory study adds to global debate
An international study involving researchers from the University of Adelaide has made a major contribution to the ongoing scientific debate about how processes in the human brain ...
Researchers have win in fight against influenza
Reseachers from the University of Melbourne and The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) have discovered a new protein that protects against viral infections such as influenza.
Improving our understanding of Parkinson's disease
Raising Australian awareness of Parkinson’s Disease is the aim of Griffith physician Dr Tien K. Khoo, following new research showing that the early onset of symptoms can lead to ...
Robots set to take revolutionary role
Rosy-cheeked social robots Charles, Sophie, Matilda and Jack will be used in a world first trial to increase wellbeing for mild dementia patients.
First Alzheimer's case has full diagnosis 106 years later
More than a hundred years after Alois Alzheimer identified Alzheimer's disease in a patient, an analysis of that original patient's brain has revealed the genetic origin of their ...
Kidney failure under the microscope
Better targeted treatments for 20 per cent of renal failure patients are on the horizon following a key discovery about the role of white blood cells in kidney inflammation.
Food safety warning: keep it cold, keep it clean, keep it hot
Minister for Primary Industries Katrina Hodgkinson today urged people to follow three simple rules to prevent food poisoning this festive season.
Higher emergency admissions for depressed older men
Depressed older men are twice as likely as those not suffering depression to be admitted to hospital, according to a study published recently in the Canadian Medical Association ...
Younger onset dementia and memory disorders rising
Younger people are increasingly being diagnosed with dementia and Sydney researchers are undertaking the first known Australian study to investigate the rise.
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